Regionální dopad politik Visegrádské čtyřky - posílení nebo fragmentace?

Márk Szabó se ve svém posledním příspěvku věnuje problematice vztahů Visegrádské skupiny, zejména její vnitřní koherenci, ale i vztahu vůči EU.

There is no doubt that the European Union has found itself in a quarrel with the rising illiberal democracies of Central-Eastern Europe. Brought to the forefront by key developments that undermine the pillars of democracy in Hungary and Poland and highlighted further by the negotiations on the EU’s budget and the rule of law mechanism that applies to it, there has never been a clearer sign that the EU is again at odds with some of its newer member states.

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#V4 #Visegrád #Česká republika #Slovensko #Maďarsko #Polsko

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