Free trade agreement EU-MERCOSUR: Essence, challenges and expectations

Helder Hermani se ve svém blogu věnuje dohodě o volném obchodu mezi EU a sdružením MERCOSUR.

During the beginning of the 14th G20 Osaka Summit, on June 28th, the European Union and MERCOSUR announced an ambitious – but controversial – trade agreement that promises to increase the political dialogue, the investment cooperations and to open a free market of goods and services between the blocs. The Mercosur (Southern Common Market, in Spanish initials) is a regional integration process, comprising as founders and currently active members Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.

The logging of numerous protected areas of the Amazon rainforest since the inauguration of Jair Bolsonaro, as well as the liberalization of countless agrochemical products and their use, raise concerns amongst the EU’s increasingly climate change-aware political leadership and the general public.

Countries like France, Ireland and Poland must be cognizant about the agreement implications and its potential impact on their extensive agri-food industry by the South American exports, which this new agreement enables. Together, these countries represent about 31,73% of the cereal production and 26,81% of the oilseeds and protein crops within the EU, while simultaneously having seen a decrease in their beef and veal production (-2,4% and -4,5% in the cases of France and Poland, respectively).

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