Rádio Slovensko: Is there a room for diplomatic dialogue with Moscow when missiles are still falling on Ukrainian cities?

Žiga Faktor, a research fellow from our Institute and the head of our Brussels office, together with Irena Jenčová from the Euractiv portal, spoke in a Radio Slovakia discussion about sanctions against Russia, the unacceptable demands of the Kremlin, and the search for a way for Europe to replace Russian gas and oil. Will economic pressure force Moscow to come to the negotiating table and declare a ceasefire in Ukraine? Would not greater diplomatic engagement by the United States or China help?

Engaging in diplomatic dialogue is absolutely necessary even when Russia is clearly committing war crimes. Because abandoning dialogue and diplomacy would probably only lead to more destruction. The Kremlin's demands are unacceptable, but they must be discussed and attempts must be made to mitigate them. Above all, it must be remembered that diplomacy rarely provides quick solutions.

The full interview in Slovak  anguage can be found here (from approximately 1:10 minute).

#Russia #EU #sanctions #economics #Ukraine

Žiga Faktor
Deputy Director & Head of Brussels Office

Expertise: European integration of Western Balkans, EU enlargement, Slovenian Politics and EU-Turkey relations

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