ČRo Plus: Schengen and European intelligence

Vladimír Bartovic answers questions on the Schengen area and the European intelligence services.

Schengen is one of the greatest achievements of the European integration, its demise could mean a gradual disintegration of the entire EU. Absence of a European intelligence service is currently a weak point of the EU, but there is a good chance its foundation will be pushed through.

In an interview for Czech Radio, Vladimír Bartovic offers his views on the current debate about the future of the Schengen system and the issue of an EU-wide intelligence service. 

You can listen to the full interview via the MP3 button next to the article.

#media #EU #Schengen #intelligence services

Expertise: EU institutional issues, Economic and Monetary Union, € and European budget, Brexit, EU foreign policy, EU enlargement with the focus on Western Balkans, Slovak foreign and domestic policy and economic issues

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