About us

Our mission

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy is a non-profit, non-partisan, and independent think-tank focusing on European integration and cohesion. EUROPEUM contributes to democracy, security, stability, freedom, and solidarity across Europe as well as to active engagement of the Czech Republic in the European Union. EUROPEUM undertakes original research, organizes public events and educational activities, and formulates new ideas and recommendations to improve European and Czech policy making.

Our values

EUROPEUM is a non-partisan think-tank, not affiliated with any Czech or European political party or movement. Its financing sources are transparent and its activities carried out without interference from its funders. The largest donors are the European Commission, the International Visegrad Fund, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
EUROPEUM implements its activities in close cooperation with like-minded partners, especially other Czech and European think-tanks and NGOs, other civil society actors and the media, in order to enhance their outreach.
EUROPEUM takes a firm responsibility and commitment to provide platforms for discussion and introduce new ideas about the EU. EUROPEUM's responsibilities are towards stakeholders, the Czech society and the European Union as a community of citizens and values.
EUROPEUM ensures the high quality of its outputs and overall credibility of its work, by counting on trusted experts, by peer-reviewing of its publications, by the continuous exchange of know-how with other think-tanks and partners, and by conducting purely evidence-based research and analysis with academic rigour.


Areas of research

  • EU politics, institutions, and budgetary issues: Explaining and analysing their developments and their impact.
  • The EU in member states: Assessing expectations and building trust among citizens, the role of Czechia and Central Europe in the EU, and fundamental underpinnings of EU unity.
  • EU's Green agenda: Analyzing the impact of climate change and policy developments designed to mitigate it, such as the European Green Deal.
  • Democratic integrity of Member States in the EU: Analyzing the impacts of societal fragmentation amidst disinformation and the erosion of public and institutional trust between citizens and their elected elites.
  • Europe as a global actor: EU foreign and defence policy.
  • EU enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP).

Current publication series

  • EU Monitor – raising awareness about the inner workings of the European Union and how they impact the influence of the Czech Republic within EU structures
  • Eastern Monitor – updates on the European Neighbourhood Policy agenda of the EU and the integration and enlargement issues
  • Národní konvent o EU – background materials for the debates of the National Convention on the European Union (in Czech)


Our projects

   Prague european summit  EuropaSecura​    


Contacts for journalists


EUROPEUM and its activities are co-funded by the European Union within the Operating grants to framework partners active in the area of Union values under the „Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme" (CERV).
We use a dual approach to engage citizens and decision-makers: linking academia and scientists for evidence-based policymaking, and empowering citizens to participate in democratic dialogues on European issues. Our activities bridge the intersecting groups, gather input, and aim to address challenges while promoting European integration and societal cohesion. We conduct independent research, organize events, and promote educational activities that raise awareness of the EU agenda. Through our Brussels office, we provide input to EU consultations and serve as a catalyst for Czech and European visions.

Annual reports (in Czech)

2023 EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy report (in English)

2022 EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy report (in English)
2021 EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy report (in English)
2020 EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy report (in English)
2019 EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy report
2018 EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy report
2017 EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy report
2016 EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy report
2015 EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy report
2014 EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy report
2013 EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy report
2012 EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy report
2011 EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy report

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General Data Protection Regulation


Child Protection, Non-Discrimination & Safeguarding Policy

EUROPEUM Child Protection, Non-Discrimination & Safeguarding Policy

Our team

Vladimír Bartovic
Martin Vokálek
Executive Director
+420 728 264 134
Viktor Daněk
Deputy Director
+420 774 073 876
Žiga Faktor
Deputy Director & Head of Brussels Office
+420 721 853 073
Liljana Cvetanoska
Head of Research
+420 212 246 552
Ondřej Pešek
Office and Project Manager
+420 723 428 696
Petra Pospíšilová
Office and Project Coordinator
+420 777 881 233
Kristina Tůmová
Communications Manager
+420 723 629 910
Tomáš Červenka
Communications Coordinator
+420 736 739 527
Alexandra Visnerova
Senior Project Manager, Transatlantic Policy Forum
+420 777 163 687
Kristína Chlebáková
Project Manager
+420 736 729 463
Oszkár Roginer-Hofmeister
Project Coordinator and Analyst
+420 720 425 061
Jovana Jović Tadić
Project Manager
+420 773 268 421
Filip Křenek
Project Coordinator and Analyst
+420 732 214 011
Jana Faktor Juzová
Senior Research Fellow
+420 605 443 480
Rebeka Hengalová
Research Fellow
+420 604 932 657
Silke Maes
Research Fellow
+420 774 274 083
Zuzana Krulichová
Research Fellow
+420 603 806 728
Zuzana Augustová
Coordinator of the project Café Evropa
+420 605 106 028
Danielle Piatkiewicz
Research Fellow
+32 455 11 28 09
Tereza Novotná
Senior Associate Research Fellow
Jonáš Syrovátka
Associate Research Fellow
+420 774 182 229
Klára Votavová
Associate Research Fellow
+420 721 449 981
Katarína Svitková
Associate Research Fellow
+420 775 385 908
Anna Rozsypal Pajerová
Associate Research Fellow
+420 732 468 753
Tatiana Mindeková
Associate Research Fellow
+420 721 146 403
Simona Krammerová
Project and Research Assistant
+420 605 384 904
Veronika Novotná
EuropaSecura Project Coordinator
Ivo Šlosarčík
Associate Research Fellow

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Prague 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552
email: europeum@europeum.org