RTVS | The European Union approves aid to Ukraine of 5 billion euros and creates a special fund

The countries of the European Union have approved aid in the form of an increase of the European Peace Facility (EPF) by five billion euros. The decision to create a special fund to help Ukraine represents an important step towards strengthening support for the country against Russian aggression. Žiga Faktor, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute and head of the Brussels office, commented on the creation of the fund and its possible results for Slovakian RTVS.

The European elections are a big challenge. It can be expected that the composition of the European Parliament will change, it may lean towards far-right positions and reduce support for military aid to Ukraine. Therefore, Ukraine itself is intensively seeking long-term support before the elections take place. In response, we see increasing pressure to adopt a plan to support the reconstruction of Ukraine and strengthen financial mechanisms.

You can watch the entire commentary here from the 14. minute onwards.

#Ukraine #financial aid #European Peace Facility

Žiga Faktor
Deputy Director & Head of Brussels Office

Expertise: European integration of Western Balkans, EU enlargement, Slovenian Politics and EU-Turkey relations

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