Report | Transforming words into action. How to keep current momentum in EU enlargement?

On the 3rd of October, Think Visegrad in Brussels, represented by the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, organized a discussion titled "Transforming words into action. How to keep current momentum in EU enlargement?". Experts from think tanks, diplomatic missions and EU institutions dwelled into the renewed focus on EU enlargement, including the initiation of accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, the formulation of new strategies and financial incentives for candidate states, and reinforced commitments from the EU. The key challenge moving forward is ensuring that this momentum is sustained and translated into concrete, transformative actions that deliver measurable results.

It is essential to emphasize that EU enlargement remains the Union’s most effective transformative tool. If the enlargement process loses momentum and candidate states, especially Ukraine or Moldova are neglected, the long-term costs including a loss of confidence in the EU will be far greater than what is currently observed in the Western Balkans. Ensuring that momentum is sustained is therefore critical to both the future of candidate countries and the credibility of the EU’s enlargement policy.

You can read the full Report in English under the PDF button.



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