Teraz.sk: Macron is proposing a new stance on the relations with Germany as well as with the Eurozone

In an interview for Teraz.sk, our Martin Michelot commented on the economic program of Marine Le Pen as a threat to Europe and on Macron's warm approach to Germany.

"Myslím si, že Le Penová vníma Nemecko ako možného partnera len v Európe bez EÚ," uviedol Michelot. Monetárna reforma navrhovaná kandidátkou FN by podľa neho priniesla neistotu, pokles miezd a celkovo jej program označil za "ekonomickú katastrofu pre Francúzsko".

Read the whole interview in Slovak on Teraz.sk's website here.

#Marine Le Pen #Emmanuel Macron #France #Germany #Eurozone

Martin Michelot
Senior Associate Research Fellow

Expertise: NATO and transatlantic security, European foreign policy and defense, French politics, elections and society, Visegrad Four and Central Europe, EU institutional issues

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