Café Evropa | 20 years in the EU: Benefits and drawbacks of the membership for Litomyšl

Come join the next event in the Café Evropa regional debate series; this time, we’ll be in Litomyšl. What do you think of 20 years of Czechia in the EU? Are you concerned about what the Migration Pact or the Green Deal might bring? Have European subsidies helped in the development of the town? What has the European Union given and taken from you? We want to hear from you!

On Saturday, September 8th, starting at 3:30pm at Coworking Kočárkovna (Jiráskova 133, Litomyšl).


  • Daniel Brýdl, Mayor of Litomyšl
  • Markéta Boubínová, Journalist at Deník N

Moderated by EU analyst Igor Blahušiak. You can find more information about the event here.

The event is organized in collaboration with the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic

#Café Evropa #Debate #20 years in the EU

Ondřej Pešek
Office and Project Manager

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