Café Evropa: The powerful man upon the Bosphorus (EU and Turkey)

Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate, part of Café Evropa series of debates. The distinguished guests, Lucia Najšlová and Tomáš Pojar will discuss the following topic: “The Powerful Man Upon the Bosphorus (EU and Turkey).

9th debate from Café Europe platform called "The Powerful Man Upon the Bosphorus (EU and Turkey)" will take place on Tuesday, September 27 at 5 pm at the European house (Jungmannova 24, Praha 1).

Our invitation accepted: 

Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague

Debate will be moderated by Tomáš Procházka from Dení

#Café Europe #debate #Turkey

Martin Vokálek
Executive Director

Expertise: Economic issues, European security and NATO, war crimes and international law problematic

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