EUobserver: Czechs pick 'useless' fight with EU on migration

In an interview for EUobserver, our director Vladimir Bartovic commented on the Czech government's arm wrestle match with the European Commission, over the asylum seeker relocation scheme at the risk of losing money and political clout.

In an interview for EUobserver, our director Vladimir Bartovic commented on the Czech government's arm wrestle match with the European Commission, over the asylum seeker relocation scheme at the risk of losing money and political clout.

The government provoked the Commission by openly communicating its decision. The Commission was pushed in a corner. There is clearly a violation, they had to react. 

The CSSD used to be divided over the relocation issue, but now it is united. It is the start of the campaign. The government's calculation is that any fine will come after the election, and that it [the EU procedure] will not have any negative effect.

Read the article in full on EUobserver's website here

#Czech Republic #European Commission #relocation quota #migration #Bohuslav Sobotka

Expertise: EU institutional issues, Economic and Monetary Union, € and European budget, Brexit, EU foreign policy, EU enlargement with the focus on Western Balkans, Slovak foreign and domestic policy and economic issues

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