Temný den pro americkou demokracii

Naše výzkumná pracovnice Danielle Piatkiewicz napsala blog o doplňovacích volbách do amerického Senátu a dalším dění posledních dní.

The question will be, how does the United States and those who support democracy move forward? Are we at the precipice for Republicans and populist parties finally taking responsibility for the right-wing ideology and emboldened extremism they have gleefully facilitated yet now try to distance themselves from?

The light at the end of the tunnel is that President-elect Biden and Vice-President elect Harris have secured majority in Senate with the recent wins by Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff in Georgia. On top of that, Congress has just moved to certify Biden’s victory and Trump has pledged an "orderly transition" of power. While this won’t solve the deep fractures occurring in the United State nor will a new administration repair the state of democracy, but it’s a start.

Celý článek najdete zde.

#USA #volby

Danielle Piatkiewicz
Výzkumná pracovnice

Expertiza: Transatlantické, středo- a východoevropské zahraniční a bezpečnostní vztahy, podpora demokracie a NATO.

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