Decarbonization of the automotive industry

The project called Decarbonization of the automotive industry aims to enable fast and fair decarbonization of the automotive industry in the Czech Republic by bridging the gap between policy- and decision-makers and companies. The key networking activities rely on evidence-based research outputs and follow-up activities with the respective stakeholders of the automotive industry in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, the project aims to deepen the public understanding and social acceptance of the inevitable changes in the transport sector. The project is led by the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy with financial support from the European Climate Foundation.

Zjistit více Proposal to charge for emissions in transport and heating provokes contradictory reactions

Our researcher Kateřina Davidová commented for on the new "Fit for 55" package of proposals on climate and energy challenges. In the article, the researcher explains what plans the EU has to reduce emissions or how the market for emission allowances will change.

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Hospodářské noviny: Yes, it will be expensive, but we will not avoid the green economy and hesitation only costs us money

Our Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová wrote an article in Hospodářské noviny about the "Fit for 55" package, which will affect how European energy, transport, agriculture and industry will develop in the coming years.

Zjistit více Pirate sailing into the EU ripples domestic waters. Politicians beat their proposal, and the coalition partner does not agree

The director of our institute, Vladimír Bartovic, spoke in favour of the website in support of the majority voting system in the Council of the European Union, to which the Pirate Party supported. According to Bartovic, a majority vote would be possible at least on foreign policy issues.

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České zájmy v EU: Czechs do not see the threat of rising prices in European climate policy. They fear the impact on industry

The survey, which we prepared in cooperation with the STEM Institute, shows that people in the Czech Republic feel threatened by climate change. Three years ago, 44% of citizens considered climate change to be a great danger, compared to 59% in 2020. Our Research Fellow Vít Havelka commented on the survey.

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ČT24: Covid-19 pandemic in Europe

Director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy Vladimír Bartovic was a guest at ČT24 news broadcast. In the interview he commented on the global crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the future development of the European integration.

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Think Visegrad Fellowship offer: Call for proposals 2021

The Think Visegrad platform, which brings together think tanks from the Visegrad countries, including the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, is offering 8 visiting fellowships to non-Visegrad expert fellows for the period Autumn/Winter of 2021. The duration of fellowships varies from 6 to 8 weeks (based on agreement with the hosting institute).

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Nabídka krátkodobé výzkumné spolupráce v rámci platformy Think Visegrad

Platforma Think Visegrad sdružující think tanky zemí Visegrádu včetně Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na osm pozic hostujících odborných spolupracovníků ze států mimo V4 s předpokládaným nástupem podzim/zima 2021. Předpokládané délka spolupráce je až 8 týdnů.

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ČT24: Chancellor Merkel visiting Britain

Our research fellow Vít Havelka gave an interview for ČT24 about the meeting between British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

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Hospodářské Noviny: Schillerová, Minister of Finance, plans spending cuts. Threatens the already record underfunded Czech Presidency of the European Union

Vladimír Bartovic, the director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, commented for Hospodářské Noviny on the government's reduction of spending on the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union. He points out that there are currently fewer Czech representatives in the presidency than representatives from Malta, a fact that could weaken the Czech Republic's position.

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