INVITATION: Dialogue: Opinions of Czech Society on the Green Deal

We would like to invite you to the debate "Dialogue: Opinions of Czech Society on the Green Deal" organized in cooperation with STEM Institute of Empirical Research, z.ú. The dialogue will present a survey of Czech society's views on the Green Deal, which was created in cooperation with the STEM Institute of Empirical Research and the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM. The dialogue will be broadcast live on Wednesday 2 December 2020 from 5.30 pm.

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TASR: Different positions of the V4 countries may now have more dramatic consequences

Our research fellow Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on different positions of the V4 states in the matter of linking European funds drawing with respect for the rule of law. Last week, Hungary and Poland vetoed both the EU’s annual and multi-annual budgets, while Czechia and Slovakia supported it alongside with other Member States.

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On the New Pact on Migration and Asylum proposal: Looking for solidarity

Kristina Gera wrote a blog post about the new European Commission proposal concerning migration.

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O novém migračním a azylovém paktu: Hledání solidarity

Kristina Gera napsala blogový příspěvek o novém návrhu Evropské komise týkajícím se migrace.

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POLICY PAPER: EU membership of the Western Balkan states in times of crisis: From a strategic choice to protracted inertia

Our associate research fellow Marko Stojić in his latest policy paper deals with the Western Balkans' European perspective and the COVID-19 crises' impact on the countries' journey towards EU membership.

Zjistit více PDF US Elections splits Central Europe

Our Danielle Piatkiewicz for the Balkan Insight web commented on how the result of US elections will affect Central Europe politics.

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The progressing integration of the EU in security affairs: European Peace Facility

In his blog post, our intern Vojtěch Freitag discusses the progressing integration of the EU in security affairs: European Peace Facility.

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Postupující integrace EU v bezpečnostních záležitostech: Evropský mírový nástroj

Ve svém blogovém příspěvku náš stážista Vojtěch Freitag pojednává o postupující integraci EU v bezpečnostních záležitostech: Evropský mírový nástroj.

Zjistit více The higher climate goal of the EU has approached, the Czech Republic will no longer block it

Our researcher Kateřina Davidová recently published an article on news portal which deals with the topic of decreasing European emissions. The author responds to the unexpected turn of Prime Minister Andrej Babiš in the issue of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and his support for the European goal.

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INVITATION: EU± // How should the EU respond to the situation in Belarus?

For several weeks now, there have been massive protests by Belarusians against the rigged presidential election in their country. During that time, several people were killed by security forces and thousands more were beaten or imprisoned. How should the EU respond to this situation? The guests of the next debate within the EU± series will address this issue on Wednesday, September 23.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
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