ČTK: Analytička: Hlavním motivem projevu šéfky EK byla podpora Ukrajiny

V článku od České tiskové agentury se k projevu předsedkyně Evropské Komise, Ursuly von der Leyen, vyjadřují dvě naše expertky - Kateřina Davidová a Jana Juzová. Davidová zhodnotila především obsah projevu dotýkající se energetiky, Juzová se zaměřila na otázku posilování demokracie na evropském kontinentě a rozšiřování EU směrem k západnímu Balkánu.

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INVITATION | Café Evropa: State of the Union speech - what lies ahead for the EU in the current difficult times?

We would like to invite you to the next debate in the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "State of the Union Address - what lies ahead for the EU in the current difficult times?" The debate will take place on 14 September 2022 in person at the European House in Prague at Jungmannova 745/24.

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ČRo Plus: Ukraine applies to join the European Union. Is its membership just wishful thinking or is it actually on the agenda?

Our researcher Jana Juzová spoke on Český Rozhlas Plus about Ukraine's application to the European Union, which was submitted last week. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky submitted the application, which was subsequently supported by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and the entire eastern wing of the Union. Is Ukraine's starting position problematic? How likely is it that candidate status will be granted? And which members are traditionally against the enlargement of the Union?

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NEW EUROPE: It’s time to rebrand or put the idea of a European Defense Force to rest

Our researcher Danielle Piatkiewicz has written an article for NEW EUROPE in which she discusses the future of the idea of a European Defence Force.

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COMMENTARIES: State of the European Union address 2021

Experts from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy comment on the State of the Union address (SOTEU) given by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen on 15 September 2021.

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KOMENTÁŘE: Projev o stavu Evropské unie 2021

Odborníci z Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM komentují projev o stavu Unie (SOTEU), který 15. září 2021 přednesla předsedkyně Evropské komise Ursula von der Leyenová.

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BLOG: Overcoming naivety: the protection of the rule of law in a post-pandemic Union

Rose Hartwig-Peillon writes in her blog about the protection of the rule of law in the post-pandemic Union.

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BLOG: Překonání naivity: ochrana právního státu v postpandemické Unii

Rose Hartwig-Peillon ve svém blogu píše o ochraně právního státu v postpandemické Unii.

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ČRo Plus: How should the European Union change? The Conference on the Future of Europe is about people's views

Our research collaborator Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the issue of the Conference on the Future of Europe on the Europe Plus program.

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US back in climate business: implications for global climate action

Our Research Assistant Charlotte Bufano wrote a policy paper for this year's first Prague Climate Talks debate: US back in business — what to expect from US climate policy? The debate would take place online on 29th April at 5:00 pm.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
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110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552
email: europeum@europeum.org