Deník N | Leaders of parliamentary parties debated about candidates for the European Commission

On Czech Television, the leaders of all parliamentary parties clashed in a debate full of crucial topics ahead of the European elections. In the end, the discussion focused on key European issues, such as the portfolio of the Czech Republic in the European Commission. The debaters also presented their favorites for candidates to the European Commission. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Deník N.

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TV Nova | Poland has almost half of the votes counted. The opposition has a chance to form a government

The polish elections are over. Preliminary estimates show that Jarosław Kaczyński's Law and Justice party should win, but it is not clear whether it will be able to form a government. Before all the votes are counted, our deputy director Viktor Danek commented on the situation in an interview with TV Nova.

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CT24: Brand and position of the V4 in the EU

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková was a guest of Thursday afternoon Události a komentáře CT24. The subject of her commentary was the brand and position of the V4 in the EU.

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Czech Radio Plus: EU countries agree to stop arms exports to Turkey

In an interview with Czech Radio Plus, our Louis Cox-Brusseau talked about how the EU states agreed to stop arms exports to Turkey.

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EuroZprá - Will Serbia's Kosovo War Break Out? We asked the expert.

Our Jana Juzová answered questions for the web EuroZprá

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EURACTIV: The Czech stance towards the revision of EU's climate policy undermines global efforts as well as its own national interests

The Czech Republic undermines its own position when negotiating about the emissions reduction, wrote Kateřina Davidová for

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ČRo: Free movement of workers will end with Brexit

Zuzana Stuchlíková was answering for CRo Plus questions about stopping free movement of workers after Britain leaves the EU.

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ČRo Plus: Hungary's new higher education law

In an interview for ČRo Plus, our director Vladimír Bartovic commented on the disputes over Hungary's new higher education law.

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ČT24 90': Dutch vote in Netherlands′ parliamentary elections

Our research fellow Michal Vít was a guest on the 90' TV show of ČT24, where he commented on the parliamentary elections in the Netherlands.

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