Aktuálně.cz: A historic event, but also a weak patch for Ukraine, experts comment on the European summit

Statesmen from all over Europe gathered in Prague for the first ever meeting of the European Political Community. The summit is being held as part of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union and is one of the largest the Czech Republic has ever experienced. The extent to which the meeting is a bringing non-member states to joining the EU is also being debated. Martin Vokálek, our Executive Director, commented on the summit and the expectations associated with it for Aktuálně.cz, stressing its importance as a platform for discussion.

"We should look at it as a platform for discussing current needs and issues. It is a forum, not a waiting room," comments Martin Vokálek on the importance of the summit. 

Read the full article (in Czech) here

#European Political Community #Summit

Martin Vokálek
Executive Director

Expertise: Economic issues, European security and NATO, war crimes and international law problematic

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