ČRo | The European Commission boycotts the Hungarian presidency due to Orban's unexpected visit to Russia

The European Commission has announced that, in light of developments since the beginning of the Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union, it plans to boycott informal ministerial meetings and send only senior officials instead of commissioners. Viktor Orbán has come under criticism for his recent trip to Russia, which he described as a peace mission aimed at ending the war in Ukraine and which he did not consult with the leaders of other EU states. This move comments Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute for Czech Radio.

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STVR | The first plenary session of the European Parliament in its new composition

The first session of the European Parliament after the elections is beginning. MEPs will elect the presidents of the European Parliament and the European Commission. How does the plenary session proceed? And what will be crucial during it? Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of the Brussels office at EUROPEUM Institute, responds for Slovak STVR.

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Czech Radio | New MEPs bring new debates. What challenges await the new European Parliament?

According to the Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute Martin Vokálek European topics will be more frequently discussed in the public sphere. The reason for this are the newly elected MEPs, who met for the first time this week at a plenary session in Strasbourg. Their ranks include not only "traditional" politicians but also prominent figures with unconventional approaches. What challenges and changes can we expect from the new European Parliament? Listen to the Czech Radio podcast Bruselské chlebíčky.

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CNN Prima News | How political group work in the European Parliament?

Last week the discussions about the political groups of the European Parliament finalized. What exactly are they and what are their tasks? And what role will Czech MEPs play in them? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute answered these questions on the morning show of CNN Prima News.

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ČT24 | Patriots for Europe group strengthens

The new group in the European Parliament, Patriots for Europe, is about to hold its inaugural meeting. They need 23 MEPs from at least seven EU member states. So far, it looks like they will meet that requirement. Comments Viktor Daňek, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute.

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Novinky.cz | Le Pen's MEPs will weaken ANO's influence in the party

Members of Marine Le Pen's political party will join the newly formed Patriots for Europe group. They will thus become the largest group in this party and thus achieve a better position than the MEPs of the ANO movement. Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini's League is also expected to join. For Novinky.cz commented Martin Vokálek, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute.

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TA3 | Questions about the Hungarian Presidency

Make Europe Great Again is the motto of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Hungary has set seven priorities, including fighting illegal migration and strengthening European defense. But the next six months raise many questions about the direction the Union will take under Budapest's leadership and what it will mean for Ukraine. Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of the Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute, explains the situation for Slovak TV TA3.

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Blesk.cz | What is happening to the EU?

The political helm of Europe is taking a new direction. And according to political analysts, not a favourable one. The results of the elections in France showed this, with the far right winning 37 seats and the left-wing coalition 32. What is more, since the weekend it has been known that a new faction is to be created in the European Parliament - one that is more focused on national interests. One of the three founders is the head of Czech ANO movement, Andrej Babiš. Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of the Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute, comments for Blesk.cz.

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WhatNews | Cities are expecting another heat wave this year. What is Prague doing to keep us from getting baked?

The average temperature in the Czech Republic has increased by 2.2 degrees Celsius since the 1960s. As a result of climate change, the country is suffering more frequent weather extremes: torrential rain, drought and heat. Heat waves are particularly severe in heat islands that form in cities. Prague wants to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, add greenery and water features. Will it be enough? Katarina Svitková, an Associate Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute gives examples to WHAT news on how Barcelona is adapting to the heat.

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WHAT news | Města letos čekají další vlny veder. Co dělá Praha pro to, abychom se neupekli?

Průměrná teplota se od šedesátých let v Česku zvýšila o 2,2 stupně Celsia. Země v důsledku klimatické změny trpí častějšími extremitami počasí: přívalovými dešti, suchem i horkem. Vlny veder jsou drtivé hlavně v tepelných ostrovech, které se tvoří ve městech. Praha chce rapidně omezit emise skleníkových plynů, přidat zeleň i vodní prvky. Bude to stačit? Jak se vedrům přizpůsobuje Barcelona přibližuje pro WHAT news Katarina Svitková z Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM.

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