Ekonomický deník | Postponing the revision of the end of internal combustion engines will not be easy

Czech Minister of Transport Martin Kupka announced at the end of September, following the example of Italy, that the revision of the end of internal combustion engines should take place earlier than in the originally planned 2026. Rebeka Hengalová, researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Ekonomický deník.

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BLOG | Gender equality in the EU institutions: is the position of women in the Parliament and the Commission improving?

Despite the fact that women make up half of the population, they are still not equally represented in the key institutions of the European Union, even in leadership positions. The European Parliament and the European Commission are taking a number of steps to improve gender equality, both internally and towards the public. Adéla Gajdošíková writes in her blog what the current representation in these institutions looks like and what concrete measures they are taking.

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20 years in the EU: what has membership given and taken away from Semily?

Come and debate at the next Café Evropa regional debate series! This time we will be in Semily. What do you think of the Czech Republic's 20 years in the EU? Are you worried about what the migration pact, the Green Deal will bring? Have European subsidies helped the development of the town? What has the EU given and taken away from you? We want to hear from you!

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TV Nova | Germany wants to return migrants to the border, Austrians won't take them in

Germany wants to introduce checks at all its land borders for six months from September 16. The federal government wants to reduce illegal migration and increase security in the country. Germany will be able to refuse refugees at its borders. Austria has already announced that it will not accept any rejected migrants at its borders. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for the main evening news broadcast on TV Nova.

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Conference | The Next 20 years of the Czech Republic in the EU - an endless story of catching up with Europe?

How has the Czech Republic changed during its membership in the EU, how has it managed to catch up economically with its western neighbours? Where has it moved and where is the next potential? And does the Czech Republic have a strategy to build on? Come and listen to renowned speakers from across Europe and join the discussion on what we have achieved in the last 20 years in the EU and where we are moving as a country. We are co-organising the conference with the Prague University of Economics and Business.

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Konference | Budoucích 20 let Česka v EU – nekončící příběh dohánění Evropy?

Jak se Česko proměnilo během svého členství v Unii, jak se podařilo ekonomicky dohnat západní sousedy? Kam se posunulo a kde je další potenciál? A má Česká republika strategii, na které může stavět? Přijďte si poslechnout renomované řečníky z celé Evropy a zapojte se do diskuse o tom, jakých výsledků jsme za posledních 20 let v EU dosáhli a kam se jako země posouváme. Konferenci spolupořádáme s Vysokou školou ekonomickou v Praze.

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ČT24 | Síkela could be EU Trade Commissioner

Ursula von der Leyen will present the new EU Commissioners list on Wednesday 18 September. The President of the European Commission may come with a new portfolio that has not been there before. Until then it is not sure what portfolio will Jozef Síkela get. Whether it would be the wanted trade discussed Žiga Faktor, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute and head of the Brussels office, live on ČT24.

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Radio Slobodna Evropa | What are the chances of EU enlargement by 2030?

The prospect of EU enlargement by the end of the mandate of the future European Commission looks more optimistic than at any time in the last decade. And barring the full membership of one new state, it is realistic to expect that at least one country will have concluded membership negotiations by the end of this decade and is just waiting for an acceptance date. Jana Juzová, a senior research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Radio Slobodna Evropa.

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Voxpot | Men's club, juicy portfolios and Síkela's chances. The battle for the new Commission begins

The Czech Republic wants a strong, preferably Economic portfolio in the future European Commission. But this is what all Member States are seeking. Europe is now facing hectic talks and tug-of-war. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Voxpot.

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STVR | Composition of the new European Commission

How did Ursula von der Leyen manage to put together the new European Commission? Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the situation for Slovakian STVR.

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