RTVS | Proposal for the position of Commissioner for Defense

The current President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, proposes the creation of a new position: Commissioner for Defense in the future Commission. Is this proposal feasible? When could this position be established? And who would fill it? How would enhanced EU defense operate alongside NATO was addressed by Vít Havelka, Senior Researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, in a commentary for the Slovak television RTVS.

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CNN Prima News | The European Army and the position of the Defense Commissioner

The next European Commission should have a new Commissioner for Defense. There is speculation that this position could go to the Czech Republic. However, some European politicians, such as French President Emmanuel Macron, are calling directly for the creation of European army. But what are the pitfalls of the project? Vít Havelka, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, talked about the usefulness and possibilities for CNN Prima News.

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iRozhlas: EU energy milestones: covid, green alternative, Russian attack and the search for consensus

iROZHLAS has prepared an overview of the energy measures discussed by the European Union in the context of the energy crisis. The review shows that the EU's securing of the energy market is not in line with the actions taken by national states. This inconsistency was also commented on by our researcher Michal Hrubý, who pointed to the need to proceed to a comprehensive solution at the level of the European Commission.

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EuropaSecura 2022: a look back at the 15th edition of the competition for high school students on European defence and security

The national EuropaSecura competition for high school students on European defence and security, organised with Czech Army and the Ministry of Defence, has successfully completed its 15th year and selected winners who will travel to Brussels. Take a look at what the competition entails and what it looks like at the national final at the military base in Brdy. The students experienced how diplomatic negotiations within the EU and NATO take place and how crisis situations are handled within the EU.

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MINISTRY OF DEFENCE: The 15th edition of the EuropaSecura competition already has its winners

On Friday 10 June, the EuropaSecura competition culminated and the students from the teams that placed in the top three positions can look forward to a three-day trip to Brussels. "This is a competition for high school students interested in international politics, current affairs and security policy. But it is not only about knowledge, it is unique in the Europe thanks to the practical part," explained the main coordinator of the project Martin Vokálek, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

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EU Monitor: The European Army project: the answer to the Union’s strategic shrinkage?

Rose Hartwig-Peillon wrote an EU Monitor on the topic of The European Army project: the answer to the Union’s strategic shrinkage? In this report, she focuses not only on the current defense strategy of the EU and whether the present security and defense tools are effective or not, but she also addresses the question of creating a European Army and if it could help with achieving the goal of European strategic autonomy

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Policy Paper: Czech-Russian Escalation as a Case of Deeper EU-Russia Crisis: Time for a United and Credible Action

Pavel Havlíček, an analyst at the AMO Research Centre, has written a policy paper for our Brussels office on the Czech-Russian escalation as a case of a deeper crisis between the EU and Russia. In his article, he also makes recommendations for the European Union. The text was written during a research stay in Brussels, which was facilitated by our Brussels office with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

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NEW EUROPE: It’s time to rebrand or put the idea of a European Defense Force to rest

Our researcher Danielle Piatkiewicz has written an article for NEW EUROPE in which she discusses the future of the idea of a European Defence Force.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: Common European Defense

We would love to invite you to another debate within the Café Evropa series, called: "Common European Defense - is cooperation between the armies and the defense industry in the EU countries successful and sufficiently effective?" Although the idea of a common European army has appeared more frequently than ever in the statements of various European politicians in recent years, in reality this possibility is relatively unlikely in the foreseeable future. Is the European Union self-sufficient in terms of raw materials or supply chains? What is the attitude of the Member States of the Union to deepening defense cooperation? And where is European defense actually heading?

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INVITATION: Challenges and Opportunities for European Security, NATO and Defence in Transatlantic Partnership; The Relationship with Russia and China

We kindly invite you to attend the conference concerning the european security after the crises. The debate is organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Institute for Politics and Society, Embassy of Portugal in The Czech Republic and CEVRO Institute.

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