ČT24: Removing of certain Russian banks from the SWIFT system

EUROPEUM Institute analyst, Alexandr Lagazzi, spoke in an exclusive program of Studio ČT24 about Italy's view not only on SWIFT and the change of their policy towards Russia but also about Italy's overall attitude towards the war in Ukraine.

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PRESS RELEASE: Public statement by the Friends of Free Russia and Czech civil society on Western measures and sanctions

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy joined public statement by initiative e Friends of Free Russia and Czech civil society on Western measures and sanctions against Russian violations of international law and illegal invasion on the territory of Ukraine.

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TISKOVÁ ZPRÁVA: Veřejné prohlášení Přátel svobodného Ruska a české občanské společnosti k západním opatřením a sankcím za ruské porušení mezinárodního práva

Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM se připojil k veřejnému prohlášení Přátel svobodného Ruska a české občanské společnosti k západním opatřením a sankcím za ruské porušení mezinárodního práva a nelegální vpád na ukrajinské území.

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POLICY REPORT: The Perspectives of the Czech Automotive Industry’s Decarbonization - an updated review

Michal Hrubý, a research fellow from the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, has written a report on the development of the Czech automotive industry with regards to electromobility. In his research, he discusses its current state and possible decarbonisation in relation to transport emissions. The focus is mainly on the market for chargeable electric vehicles and two areas of interest - 1) decarbonisation of the transport sector and 2) maintaining the competitiveness of the Czech automotive industry.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: Facts and myths about the Green Deal - are its goals an opportunity or a threat?

We would like to invite you to the next debate within the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "Café Evropa: Facts and myths about the Green Deal - are its goals an opportunity or a threat?". The debate will take place on 15 February at 17:30. Do Czech citizens have sufficient awareness of the Green Deal and the "Fit for 55" package and how should public institutions and the media communicate these topics to the public in an understandable way? Are climate change mitigation issues at all important to the Czech public? What misinformation is circulating about the EU and climate change on Czech misinformation websites and social networks? Where is the misinformation coming from in the Czech online environment? How to identify and combat them?

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Handbook for Reporting on EU accession: Czech Lessons for Serbia

Our researcher Jana Juzová, in collaboration with Nikola Burazer from Centar Savremene Politike, has written a handbook for reporting on EU accession. The handbook is intended for those reporting on Serbia's EU accession process, either as representatives of the media or civil society.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: The security situation in Eastern Europe - how much are we at risk?

We would like to invite you to the next debate within the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "Café Evropa: The security situation in Eastern Europe - how much are we at risk?" The debate will take place on 3 February at 17:30. What are Russia's intentions in Eastern Europe? If diplomacy fails, is war with Russia a realistic scenario? Is the EU being bypassed on resolving tensions on Ukraine's borders? What exactly is Moscow seeking in relation to the Czech Republic and other Central and Eastern European states?

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Info.cz: The Dayton Agreement is shaking to its foundations. Is Bosnia and Herzegovina facing another war?

The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, commented on the state of the political situation in the Balkans for Info.cz. The initial political crisis is alarming, but it is being overlooked on the international scene, as the world's attention is focused more on the situation on the Russian-Ukrainian border.

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INVITATION: Decarbonisation of Czech automotive transport

On Tuesday, 1 March, an online conference entitled Decarbonisation of Czech Car Transport will be held by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy from 14:00 to 15:30. The event will be broadcast live online and you can watch the live stream on EUROPEUM's Facebook page. You will be able to contribute to the discussion directly during the debate by commenting below the video. The debate will be held in Czech.

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Policy Paper: Czechia’s Policies within the EU in the Context of the Upcoming Presidency to the EU Council

Łukasz Ogrodnik's publication entitled "The Czechia's EU Policy in the Context of the Upcoming European Council Presidency" was published as part of a study stay in the Brussels office of the Think Visegrad platform. It describes priorities of the upcoming Presidency in relation to the Czech European policy, and most probable challenges.

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