EuropaSecura 2022: a look back at the 15th edition of the competition for high school students on European defence and security

The national EuropaSecura competition for high school students on European defence and security, organised with Czech Army and the Ministry of Defence, has successfully completed its 15th year and selected winners who will travel to Brussels. Take a look at what the competition entails and what it looks like at the national final at the military base in Brdy. The students experienced how diplomatic negotiations within the EU and NATO take place and how crisis situations are handled within the EU.

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EuropaSecura 2022 | Ohlédnutí za 15. ročníkem soutěže pro středoškoláky o evropské obraně a bezpečnosti. Vítěze Brusel přivítá v prosinci

Celostátní soutěž EuropaSecura pro středoškoláky o evropské obraně a bezpečnosti, kterou organizujeme za pomoci Armády ČR a Ministerstva obrany, má úspěšně za sebou již 15. ročník a vybrané vítěze, kteří pojedou do Bruselu na začátku prosince. Podívejte se, co soutěž obnáší a jak to vypadá na celostátním finále na vojenské základně v Brdech. Studenti zažili, jak probíhají diplomatická jednání v rámci EU a NATO a jak se řeší krizové situace v rámci EU.

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MINISTRY OF DEFENCE: The 15th edition of the EuropaSecura competition already has its winners

On Friday 10 June, the EuropaSecura competition culminated and the students from the teams that placed in the top three positions can look forward to a three-day trip to Brussels. "This is a competition for high school students interested in international politics, current affairs and security policy. But it is not only about knowledge, it is unique in the Europe thanks to the practical part," explained the main coordinator of the project Martin Vokálek, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

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MINISTERSTVO OBRANY: 15. ročník soutěže EuropaSecura už má své vítěze

V pátek 10. června vyvrcholila soutěž EuropaSecura a studenti z družstev, která se umístila na prvních třech příčkách, se mohou těšit na třídenní zájezd do Bruselu. „Jedná se o soutěž pro studenty středních škol, kteří se zajímají o mezinárodní politiku, aktuální dění i bezpečnostní politiku. Není ale jen o vědomostech, unikátní v rámci celé Evropy je především díky praktické části,“ objasnil hlavní koordinátor projektu Martin Vokálek, zástupce ředitele Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM.

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VISEGRAD/ISIGHT: Czechia and Slovakia lead the ways

Our senior researcher Jana Juzová wrote an article for VISEGRAD/INSIGHT on "The Czech Republic and Slovakia in the lead". Since July, the Czech Republic has held the presidency of the EU Council and Slovakia the presidency of the Visegrad Four. Although the V4 is now in the shadow of Czech and Slovak foreign policy, this does not mean that it is less important or that it is falling apart. However, the V4 crisis triggered by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán may be an opportunity for the Czech Republic and Slovakia to determine the direction of the Visegrad Four.

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Aktuálně.cz | Who will feed the hunger for electric cars - us or China?

Our research fellow Michal Hrubý is the co-author of a blog dealing with a currently much discussed topic - electromobility. In this article, the authors ask a fundamental question. What cars are now worth producing in the Czech car industry so that we don't cry over the profits?

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EU MONITOR: Putin's Disinformation & Misinformation Campaign

Disinformation and misinformation have been amplified in the digital age. In order to combat their increasing presence in our everyday lives, we have to first educate ourselves on what disinformation is. In this post, Jakub Ferencik looks at this question in some detail, primarily by analyzing Vladimir Putin’s usage of disinformation in politics.

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RTVS: Some EU countries are returning to coal energy

The return of coal as a source of electricity production is a direct consequence of the Russian aggression in Ukraine. The resumption of coal-fired power stations in Europe means an increase in harmful emissions, jeopardizing the EU's climate targets. EUROPEUM Institute researcher Kateřina Davidová spoke in detail about the energy crisis in Europe, the measures that Brussels is taking to prevent countries from turning to sources of electricity such as coal, and the compensatory measures taken by member states.

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Report | Evropská letní škola 2022: Confronting the past to win the future: Are we ready for smart, prosperous, secure and green Europe?

V červenci 2022 uspořádal Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM již 19. ročník Evropské letní školy v Praze. Letošní akademický program byl zaměren na nejdiskutovanější témata v rámci klíčových politik Evropské unie jako je energetická bezpečnost, implementace Zelené dohody pro Evropu nebo boj EU proti hybridním hrozbám.

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RTVS TV: Italy faces a government crisis. Today is the day of an important decision

Italy is facing a government crisis. What decisions can we expect from Prime Minister Draghi? Our associate research fellow Alexandr Lagazzi commented on the political situation in Italy and the expected decision options for RTVS TV.

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