RTVS: In the Centre of Europe

Our director Vladimír Bartovic was a guest on a Slovak TV show In the Centre of Europe.

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TA3: Z. Stuchliková on Romania’s EU Presidency

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the upcoming Romania’s EU presidency for Slovak TA3 television.

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RTVS: Swedish parliamentary elections

Christian Kvorning Lassen commented for RTVS on the Swedish parliamentary elections and the possible success of the Sweden Democrats party.

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A Game of Thrones: Italian parliamentary elections

Our Alexandr Lagazzi explores, in his latest policy paper, the power games behind Italy's parliamentary elections and the process of forming a new government.

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A Game of Thrones: Italian parliamentary elections

Náš Alexandr Lagazzi zkoumá ve svém nejnovějším policy paperu mocenské hry po výsledku parlamentních voleb v Itálii s ohledem na zdlouhavé jednání o formování nové vlády.

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NovýČas: Orbán's victory with Fidesz: Why will he control Hungary?

Our Vladimír Bartovic commented for the Slovak journal Nový Čas on Viktor Orban's victory in the parliamentary elections and his future plans.

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ČRo Plus: Viktor Orbán celebrates another electoral victory

Vladimir Bartovic commented on the victory of Viktor Orbán. What does this mean for Hungary, and how strong is Orbán's grip on power?

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Info.cz: Viktor Orbán won the parliamentary elections. What can we expect?

Vladimír Bartovic has commented for Info.cz on the results of the Hungarian parliamentary elections, and gave his opinion on what to expect from Orbán in the future.

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TA3: Analyst A. Lagazzi on the formation of a new Italian government

Negotiations for the creation of a new government in Italy are taking quite a long time. Consultations on the possible coalitions are now beginning. What is the most likely cooperation and why?

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Serbia on the EU path: A troublesome journey through uncharted territory

Our latest Eastern Monitor, authored by Marko Stojić, analyses the recently published Enlargement Strategy for the Western Balkan candidates by the European Commission and explores the probability of 2025 in terms of Serbian accession.

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