European Summer School 2017 – "Challenged Union: Making Sense of the Troublemakers" Report

The 15th annual European Summer School took place in July 2017 in Prague and we were happy to welcome 20 students from over 10 different countries. This year’s academic program was focused on the multiple challenges EU is facing at the moment.

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V4 Defence Planning And Its Lessons For Ukraine And Moldova

Martin Michelot contributed with his chapter to the publication 'Strengthening the Eastern Frontier' issued by Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democary (CEID).

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INVITATION: Prague Climate Talks: Assessment of EU's climate policies – are they up to the challenge?

We are proud to present the second event from our pilot project Prague Climate Talks: Assessment of EU's climate policies – are they up to the challenge?, which will take place on October 3rd, 2017, at the European house.

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Response to 2016 and Years Before: European Union and its Future

Do not miss an opinion piece by our research fellow Michal Vít concerning future of the European Union in the context of Western Balkan.

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Reakce na rok 2016 a roky předešlé: Evropská unie a její budoucnost

Nenechte si ujít článek našeho výzkumného pracovníka Michala Víta ohledně budoucnosti Evropské Unie v kontextu Západního Balkánu pro portál European Western Balkans.

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Commentary: State of the Union Address 2017

Vladimír Bartovic, Martin Michelot, Zuzana Stuchlíková, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Kateřina Davidová, Alexandr Lagazzi and Benedetta Fornaciari da Passano react to Juncker's State of the Union Address 2017 from the perspective of the future of the EU and the Czech Republic's role in it.

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Komentář: State of the Union Address 2017

Vladimír Bartovic, Martin Michelot, Zuzana Stuchlíková, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Kateřina Davidová, Alexandr Lagazzi a Benedetta Fornaciari da Passano reagují na projev předsedy Jean-Claude Junckera o stavu Unie z hlediska budoucího vývoje EU s ohledem na pozici České republiky.

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France and the V4 in a multi-speed Europe: rough times ahead?

Our Martin Michelot, in his latest policy paper, explores the relationship of France and the Visegrad group from a perspective of Macron's strategies, a possible multi-speed scenario and a political Franco-German axis, outlining the long-term prospect of cooperation.

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France and the V4 in a multi-speed Europe: rough times ahead?

Náš Martin Michelot se ve svém nejnovějším policy paperu věnuje vztahům Francie a zemí V4 z perspektivy strategie E. Macrona, možného vícerychlostního scénáře a francouzsko-německé politické iniciativě; v závěru pak představuje možnosti a příležitosti spolupráce v dlouhodobém časovém měřítku.

Zjistit více PDF How French President Macron managed to woo Trump in the City of Light

Our Martin Michelot commented on recent visit of US President Donald Trump in France and his meeting with newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron.

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