EU-Pacific Talks: Taiwan and security dimension – lessons learned, Indo-Pacific containment

We would like to invite you to an online debate titled "Taiwan and security dimension - lessons learned, Indo-Pacific containment" as part of the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. Expand your knowledge of Taiwan's security situation and come to the debate, which will take place on our Facebook page on Friday, 6 October at 14:00.

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EU-Pacific Talks: Taiwan and security dimension – lessons learned, Indo-Pacific containment

Rádi bychom vás pozvali na online debatu s názvem "Taiwan and security dimension – lessons learned, Indo-Pacific containment" v rámci série rozhovorů EU-PACIFIC Talks. Rozšiřte své znalosti o bezpečnostní situaci Taiwanu a připojte se k debatě, která se uskuteční na našem Facebooku v pátek 6. října od 14:00.

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Analysis: Just transformation in an unjust world

In order for the green transformation to be successful, its social impact must also be addressed. But how do you achieve both carbon neutrality and social reconciliation in an unequal system? Our senior researcher Kateřina Davidová answers this question in her analysis for the journal International Politics.

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EURACTIV | Sánchezova vláda v demisi předsednictví v EU nejspíš zvládne, vsadila totiž na malé ambice

Češi si moc dobře pamatují, jaké je to předsedat Radě EU bez stabilní vlády. Španělé ale s tímto scénářem tak trochu počítali, jejich předsednictví proto není moc ambiciózní. Některé důležité úkoly nicméně splnit musí. Přečtěte si, co o tom říká Jana Juzová, seniorní výzkumná pracovnice v Institutu EUROPEUM.

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Third year | Decarbonisation of the Czech automotive industry

The climate team of EUROPEUM is currently delivering the 3rd year of its project focused on the decarbonisation of the automotive industry in the Czech Republic. We want to build upon our experience and move this work forward with a more targeted approach. We will focus on three main areas, which we have identified as crucial parts of the puzzle for transitioning to cleaner modes of transport.

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Euractiv: Minerals are redrawing the geopolitical map. Europe should mainly reduce consumption

In the European Union, terms such as critical minerals, competitiveness and strategic autonomy have been bandied about more and more often recently. The Czech Republic is only just coming into this discussion, but thanks to its vast lithium reserves, it may soon find itself in the spotlight, writes researcher Kateřina Davidová in a commentary.

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BLOG | Money or planet? Government Climate Policy | EU must emphasise social justice

When the European Parliament finally confirmed the ban on the sale of cars with internal combustion engines in the EU in 2035, it sparked a new round of a well-known debate in the Czech Republic. Is climate and environmental protection worth the threat to prosperity in countries with strong car industries like the Czech Republic? Klára Votavová discussed this topic.

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POLICY PAPER: Finding Transatlantic Unity in Times of Conflict 2022. Transatlantic Policy Forum in Review

Our researchers Danielle Piatkiewicz and Hugo Blewet-Mundy have written a policy paper on "Finding Transatlantic Unity in Times of Conflict 2022. Transatlantic Policy Forum in Review" which aims to outline action points and proposals that the Transatlantic Partnership should adopt.

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POLICY PAPER | Shifting the gender quota debate from underrepresentation of women to overrepresentation of men within diplomacy

Ivana Uličná writes about the fact that even though some progress has been made towards gender equality in diplomacy, women remain underrepresented in ambassadorial positions worldwide. Quotas have been effective in boosting nominal representation of women but critiques focused on quotas being tokenistic and harming meritocracy place a double burden on women. However, even the current system is not meritocratic, as men benefit from a historical advantage and assumed competence, while women must justify their presence, prove their worth and disprove gender stereotypes.

Zjistit více Cheap electromobility has been pushed back by Brussels. Batteries must be eco

Electric cars that do not emit dangerous emissions should slowly replace cars with combustion engines. An environmentally friendly replacement. But what about the production of their batteries? According to the EU, the entire life cycle of these batteries should be environmentally friendly, from production to use to disposal. What measures will be introduced, how will the sale of batteries be regulated and how will this affect their price? Our research fellow Michal Hrubý comments on the topic.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
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Praha 1 - Staré Město
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tel.: +420 212 246 552