Visegrad Countries: How can Europe repair breaches of the rule of law?

Martin Michelot sepsal pro Institut Jacques Delors policy paper o stavu právního státu v zemích V4.

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The Future of the Visegrad Group

Think-tank 'Das Progressive Zentrum', in cooperation with the 'Foundation for European Progressive Studies', publishes a new title focused on the future of the Visegrad Group countries.

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The Future of the Visegrad Group

Think-tank 'Das Progressive Zentrum', ve spolupráci s 'Foundation for European Progressive Studies', vydává v rámci svého V4 projektu publikaci zaměřenou na budoucnost zemí V4.

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Think Visegrad Fellowship – Call for Proposals 2018

EUROPEUM is one of eight receiving institutions taking part in the Think Visegrad Fellowship program.

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Think Visegrad Fellowship – Call for Proposals 2018

Náš institut je jednou z osmi institucí účastnících se Think Visegrad Fellowship programu.

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V4 - Chinese relations: A lost opportunity or a new start?

Alexandr Lagazzi in his new policy brief, explores the shift of Chinese attention on the 16+1 platform, from the V4 to the Western Balkans. While analysing the current relations between China and the V4, he points out what strategy the V4 could adopt in addressing this shift.

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V4 - Chinese relations: A lost opportunity or a new start?

Alexandr Lagazzi se ve svém novém policy briefu věnuje posunu pozornosti 16+1 platformy na Západní Balkán. Analyzuje současný stav vztahů mezi V4 a Čínou, a zabývá se tím, jakou strategii vůči Číně by V4 měla adoptovat.

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One Hundred Years On: a New Central Europe from the Ruins?

As part of the project 1918 CEE Identity, Gábor Egry has written an essay that relates to the approaching hundred year anniversary of the collapse of the Central and Eastern European empires, and author analyzes, among other things, the common historical heritage of these newly created states.

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One Hundred Years On: a New Central Europe from the Ruins?

Gábor Egry v rámci projektu 1918 CEE Identity vypracoval esej, která se vztahuje k blížícímu se stoletému výročí od pádu středo a východoevropských impérií. Autor v ní mimo jiné analyzuje společné historické dědictví jejich nástupnických států.

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Labour market reform and Visegrad countries: Deep rooted concerns and how to address them

Alena Kudzko, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published a policy brief concerning the ongoing labour market reforms in the EU and recommends steps to be taken for the CEE countries, not to end on the economic and political periphery of Europe.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
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