INVITATION: NATO Summit: what is at stake for the Czech Republic, the U.S., and the Alliance?

We would like to cordially invite you to the debate with LTG (Ret.) Ben Hodges titled "NATO Summit: what is at stake for the Czech Republic, the U.S., and the Alliance?" which will take place on July 9, 2018 from 17:30 to 19:00 at the American Center in Prague.

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REPORT: Regional Climate Talks: Renewable energy potential in the Czech Republic

On Tuesday 5th June, 2018, we organized the fifth event from our project Climate Talks: Renewable energy potential in the Czech Republic, this time in Brno. The report is now available.

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REPORT: Prague Climate Talks: The future of coal in Central Europe

On Thursday 19th April, 2018, we organized the fourth event from our project Prague Climate Talks: The future of coal in Central Europe. The report is now available.

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INVITATION: Anti EU-rhetoric versus national interests? Nationalistic populism and its reception in Central Europe

In cooperation with Central European University, GLOBSEC Policy Institute, Austrian Society for European Politics and University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences we would like to cordially invite you to the conference on the topic of nationalistic populism and its reception in Central Europe.

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REPORT: The future of the Cohesion Policy in the new Multiannual Financial Framework: Perspectives from Central Europe

Dne 26. října 2017 se konal kulatý stůl pod názvem ''The future of the Cohesion Policy in the new Multiannual Financial Framework: Perspectives from Central Europe'', ze které je nyní k dispozici report.

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REPORT: Serbia's road to EU membership: Challenges and Opportunities?

Ve spolupráci s Velvyslanectvím Srbské republiky v Praze jsme pořádali 26. června 2017 přednášku na téma srbského přistoupení do EU s Tanjou Miščević – Vedoucí vyjednávacího týmu pro vstup Srbska do EU. Report je nyní k dispozici.

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REPORT: Harmonization of EU social standards

On 8 June 2017 we organized a debate on the harmonization of EU social standards, from which a report is now available.

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PRESS RELEASE: A Czech perspective for the future of the EU

On 1 June 2017, the Czech Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels hosted the conference "A Czech perspective for the future of the EU", from which the Press Release is now available.

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Gratulace Hillary Clintonové ke zvolení příští prezidentkou Spojených států

V aktuálním blogu se výzkumník Christian Kvorning Lassen zaměřuje na vyhlídky republikánského prezidentského kandidáta.

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Jeseníky a politické vyčleňování

Projekt o vyčleňování menšin v České republice který analyzuje území Jeseníků.

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