INVITATION: EU ± // National Recovery Plan

We invite you to the EU debate ± on the National Recovery Plan presented by the Czech government in April this year. The debate is organized with the support of Jean Monnet Chair TeDEUSS - Teaching and debating EU small states' security at FSV UK and co-financed by the European Union's Europe for Citizens program.

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POZVÁNKA: EU± // Národní plán obnovy

Zveme Vás na debatu EU± o Národním plánu obnovy, který česká vláda představila letos v dubnu. Debata je organizována s podporou Jean Monnet Chair TeDEUSS - Teaching and debating EU small states' security na FSV UK a spolufinancována z programu Evropské unie Evropa pro občany.

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INVITATION: Rethinking and strengthening NATO - how to prepare the Alliance for the future?

We invite you to an online debate organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy as a part of Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF) and with support of International Visegrad Fund. The debate will take place online on April 27 from 17:30 on our Facebook.

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US back in climate business: implications for global climate action

Our Research Assistant Charlotte Bufano wrote a policy paper for this year's first Prague Climate Talks debate: US back in business — what to expect from US climate policy? The debate would take place online on 29th April at 5:00 pm.

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The Transatlantic To-Do List: Biden's Progress Report

Last October, the third annual Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF) took place virtually. The Forum not only brought together a wide range of experts but provided inputs and interesting takeaways, including recommendations and a Transatlantic To-Do List, which outlined action points on how the US and the EU should approach the given challenges ranging from increased multilateral collaboration to further development of economic and security engagement. A little over 6 months into his administration, our EUROPEUM experts Danielle Piatkiewicz and Miroslava Pisklová have updated their Transatlantic To-Do List and their 100 day’s progress report to reflect on where Biden’s foreign policy stands now over a half a year into the new US administration.

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Transatlantic To-Do List: Bidenův pokrok po půl roce v úřadu

Loni v říjnu se virtuálně uskutečnilo třetí Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF). TAPF nejenže spojil širokou škálu odborníků, ale také poskytl inspirativní nápady a zajímavé závěry, včetně doporučení a tzv. Transatlantic To-Do Listu, který nastínil, jak by měly USA a EU přistupovat k daným výzvám od intenzivnější multilaterální spolupráce po další rozvoj hospodářského a bezpečnostního zapojení. Po půl roce prezidenství Joe Bidena, expertky Institutu EUROPEUM Danielle Piatkiewicz a Miroslava Pisklová aktualizovaly zprávu o dosavadním pokroku a plnění Transatlantického To-Do listu.

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INVITATION: Prague Climate Talks — USA back in business: what to expect from US climate policy?

We would like to invite you to this year's first Prague Climate Talks, focusing on high-level discussions on the complex issue of climate change. The debate is organised by the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM together with the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Prague under the auspices of the UN Czech Republic. The media partner of the project is Deník N. On Thursday, April 29, we will focus on climate changes in the US after the election of President Joe Biden. The event will take place from 5:00 to 6:30 pm online on our Facebook.

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"Europe will be made through crises": the limits to the Monnet-Schuman approach to European construction

Rose Hartwig-Peillon analyses Monnet-Schuman's saying regarding to European construction through crises in view to pandemic of covid-19, vaccines and European recovery plan.

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"K utvoření Evropy dojde skrz krize": limity Monnet-Schumanova přístupu ke konstrukci Evropy

Rose Hartwig-Peillon analyzuje výrok Monnet-Schumana týkající se konstrukce Evropy prostřednictvím krizí s ohledem na pandemii covid-19, vakcíny a evropský plán obnovy.

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COMMENTARIES: European Council meeting on 25 and 26 March

Experts from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy comment on the EU leaders' videosummit, which took place on 25-26 March 2021 in.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
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tel.: +420 212 246 552