Words and deeds in Glasgow: COP26 as a milestone in global climate policy?

In the next Policy Paper, Katarína Svitková writes about the conference which will take place in November 2021, Scotland’s largest exhibition center in Glasgow is to host an international climate summit of great importance titled the United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP26. The 26th Conference of the Parties continues a series of high-level international climate summits, the first of which was held in 1995 in Berlin, Germany

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Slova a činy v Glasgow: COP26 jako milník v globální klimatické politice?

V dalším Policy Paperu píše Katarína Svitková o konferenci, která se bude konat v listopadu 2021. Největší skotské výstaviště v Glasgow bude hostit mezinárodní klimatický summit velkého významu s názvem Konference OSN o změně klimatu, známá též jako COP26. Jedná se o v pořadí již 26. konferenci této série, která odstartovala první konferencí již v roce 1995 v Berlíně.

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Info.cz: Are the days of the free globalized market added up? Von der Leyen calls for a self-sufficient Europe

Our researcher Vít Havelka wrote an article for the server Info.cz about today's speech by Chairwoman von der Leyen, who gave her second speech to MEPs on the state of the Union, in which, among other things, she further elaborates the concept of strategic autonomy.

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COMMENTARIES: State of the European Union address 2021

Experts from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy comment on the State of the Union address (SOTEU) given by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen on 15 September 2021.

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INVITATION: EU-PACIFIC Talks: China: Friend or Foe? China's growing influence and its impact on the EU

We would like to invite you to the first of six debates in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on Tuesday 21 September at 14:00 on our Facebook.

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EU – Pacific Talks

The debates will be organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. This series of debates aims to bring together experts, stakeholders, state officials and academia to discuss the most up – to date topics including the global actors as China and the United States. Over the course of 6 months, the most tempting issues will be on the table, such as growing influence of China, climate agenda, economic relations or the United States new administration.

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EU – Pacific Talks

Debaty pořádá Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM. Cílem této série debat je spojit odborníky, zúčastněné strany, státní úředníky a akademickou obec a diskutovat o nejaktuálnějších tématech, včetně globálních aktérů, jako jsou Čína a Spojené státy. V průběhu šesti měsíců budou na stole nejlákavější témata, jako je rostoucí vliv Číny, klimatická agenda, ekonomické vztahy nebo nová administrativa Spojených států.

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Policy Paper: China vs. US: The Green Energy Race

In her policy paper, Katharine Klačanský, Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, discusses the role of climate in geopolitics and provides an overview of the Chinese and American green investment plan and its implications for the future of fossil fuels.

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EU MONITOR: The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and its effects on trade with third countries

Tom Baker wrote an article about The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, which should be one of the policies to green the area of its activity. The paper offers ideas on how best the EU should proceed with the implementation of the CBAM.

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EU Observer: Pandemic recovery spotlighted at the Prague European Summit 2021

An article by the Communications Manager of the Prague European Summit (PES) Michal Beneš and by our Communications Specialist Aneta Navrátilová describes the international event PES, which is co-organized by our Institute. This year focuses on Europe being Reborn, with an aim to provide a broad platform for debate about the most pressing challenges of the post-pandemic renewal.

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