IDM: Brexit – A mess in the institutional EU Framework?

Our research fellow Danielle Piatkiewicz was a guest on the IDM Vienna podcast. The main topic of the podcast, which focuses on the Central Europe, was Brexit and the EU institutional framework.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: The rule of law in the EU - How to find common ground on the functioning of democracy, the rule of law and freedom of the media?

We would like to invite you to another in a series of debates of Café Evropa, this time on the topic of the rule of law in the EU. The debate is organized by the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic and the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM in cooperation with Eurocentrum Prague. The media partner of the debate is Dení The debate will take place online on March 11 on our Facebook.

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Regional impact of the Visegrad 4’s policies – Entrenchment or Fragmentation?

In his latest contribution, Márk Szabó deals with the issue of relations of the Visegrad Group, especially its internal coherence, but also the relationship with the EU.

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Regionální dopad politik Visegrádské čtyřky - posílení nebo fragmentace?

Márk Szabó se ve svém posledním příspěvku věnuje problematice vztahů Visegrádské skupiny, zejména její vnitřní koherenci, ale i vztahu vůči EU.

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CRO Plus: Hungary has two months to change the law on NGO funding

The director of our institute, Vladimir Bartovic, commented on the problematic Hungarian law, which requires special registration from foreign NGOs. According to the European Court of Justice, this is in conflict with EU legislation.

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Visegrad Insight: The State of Central Europe after the December EU Summit

Our research collaborator Zuzana Stuchlíková is a guest of the Visegrad Insight podcast, which discusses the state of Central Europe after the December EU summit and the V4 perspective in connection with the compromise on the rule of law.

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Visegrad Insight: Stav střední Evropy po prosincovém summitu EU

Naše výzkumná spolupracovnice Zuzana Stuchlíková je hostem podcastu Visegrad Insight, kde se rozebírá stav střední Evropy po prosincovém summitu EU a perspektivy V4 v návaznosti na kompromis v oblasti právního státu.

Zjistit více Money only for member states respecting the rule of law. What exactly does the final agreement of the European leaders mean?

Our research fellow Vít Havelka together with Vít Dostál recently commented on the news portal on the final agreement on the European budget - especially the demands of Hungary and Poland.

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E15: The EU is considering a rescue package without Poland and Hungary. The rebels would lose tens of billions of euros

Vladimír Bartovic commented for the E15 daily on the dispute over the European Union budget for the years 2021 to 2027, the adoption of which is blocked by Poland and Hungary.

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TA3: Zuzana Stuchlíková on the EU Leaders' Summit in Brussels

Our research collaborator Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the EU summit in Brussels, where EU leaders met to discuss the future European budget.

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