RTVS: Former Kosovo army leadership on trial in The Hague

Our researcher Jana Juzová told RTVS why former Kosovo president Hashim Thaçi is standing trial in The Hague. The indictment of the special Hague tribunal accuses him of committing several crimes during the war for independence.

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Rádio Slovensko: Is there a room for diplomatic dialogue with Moscow when missiles are still falling on Ukrainian cities?

Žiga Faktor, a research fellow from our Institute and the head of our Brussels office, together with Irena Jenčová from the Euractiv portal, spoke in a Radio Slovakia discussion about sanctions against Russia, the unacceptable demands of the Kremlin, and the search for a way for Europe to replace Russian gas and oil. Will economic pressure force Moscow to come to the negotiating table and declare a ceasefire in Ukraine? Would not greater diplomatic engagement by the United States or China help?

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Policy Paper: Czech-Russian Escalation as a Case of Deeper EU-Russia Crisis: Time for a United and Credible Action

Pavel Havlíček, an analyst at the AMO Research Centre, has written a policy paper for our Brussels office on the Czech-Russian escalation as a case of a deeper crisis between the EU and Russia. In his article, he also makes recommendations for the European Union. The text was written during a research stay in Brussels, which was facilitated by our Brussels office with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

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Is climate litigation paving the way for a more effective and fair climate governance?

Charlotte Bufano has published a blog post that focuses on the topic of climate change in relation to governments and their policies.

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Supporting media freedom in Serbia in relation to the EU accession process

We are delighted to announce the launch of a project focused on support for independent Serbian journalists reporting on Serbia’s EU integration process, its obstacles in the field of democratic governance, and the rule of law and fundamental rights and freedoms, including the freedom of media. The project is supported by the Transition Promotion Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and implemented together with the Centre for Contemporary Politics from Serbia.

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State of the Rule of Law in the EU: EU’s limited options against democratic erosion in Hungary and Poland

In her blog post, our intern Aneta Navrátilová discusses the rule of law in the EU with regard to the European Commission Report and the situation in Hungary and Poland.

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Eastern Monitor: The European Dream of the Western Balkans – 20 Years in a Limbo

The topic of the latest Eastern Monitor, prepared this time by our Jana Juzová, was the European dream of the Western Balkans.

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INTRODUCTION: Launch of the new website "15 years in the EU"

This year, it was 15 years since the Czech Republic joined the European Union. To mark this anniversary, EUROPEUM, in cooperation with EACEA in the "Europe for citizens" program, has created a website that reflects on the past 15 years and answers the question of what to expect from the next 15 years in the EU.

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POLICY PAPER - The ups and downs of Polish-German reconciliation and lessons for the Western Balkans

Adam Balcer and Klaus Ziemer published Policy Paper about the ups and downs of Polish-German reconciliation and lessons for the Western Balkans.

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Kosovo elections – moving towards better future?

The topic of the latest Eastern Monitor, prepared by our Jana Juzová, was October parliamentary elections in Kosovo.

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