Policy paper: The future of EU Finances: New Own Resources

Markéta Mlčúchová published a policy paper about the reform of EU's budget – and especially its income side – using tools such as Common Consolidated Corporate Taxes, non-recycled plastic packaging waste tax or income from European Emissions Trading System (ETS) auctions.

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EU MONITOR: MFF Negotiations: What Czechs think of the latest development

In his monitor, Vít Havelka explored the Czech position regarding the latest development in the Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) negotiations.

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How electromobility can drive Visegrad cooperation

Bartosz Bieliszczuk published a policy paper as a part of Think Visegrad platform, in which he focused on electromobility in V4 countries.

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REPORT: The role of European funds in the development of coal regions

The topic of the November 19 debate held in Prague was the development of coal regions.

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EU MONITOR: An Arduous Path: Are Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania Ready to Join the Area?

Žiga Faktor authored an EU Monitor on the prospects of Schengen entrance of the states of Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania.

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EU MONITOR: The challenges of the military integration in the EU: an approach to the heterogeneity of weapon system categories

Adrian Blasquez authored an EU Monitor on the challenges of the military integration in the EU.

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Why nuclear alone is not the answer to climate change?

Our intern Eleni Vlachopulosová explores, in her latest blog, the question of "Why nuclear alone is not the answer to climate change?".

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EU MONITOR: Three Crucial Moments in European Security in 2019

Louis Cox-Brusseau published an EU Monitor, in which he focuses on three Crucial Moments in European Security in 2019.

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Commentary: EUCO Meeting in December 2019

Read the comments of our experts regarding the future development of Brexit, EU enlargement or climate change combat. We've gathered answers from Christian Kvorning Lassen, Vít Havelka, Kateřina Davidová and Louis Cox-Brusseau.

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CT24: Brexit and early UK elections

Our Vladimír Bartovic was a guest of Monday afternoon Studio CT24. The subjects of his commentary were early elections in the UK and Brexit.

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