Policy Paper: Czech-Russian Escalation as a Case of Deeper EU-Russia Crisis: Time for a United and Credible Action

Pavel Havlíček, an analyst at the AMO Research Centre, has written a policy paper for our Brussels office on the Czech-Russian escalation as a case of a deeper crisis between the EU and Russia. In his article, he also makes recommendations for the European Union. The text was written during a research stay in Brussels, which was facilitated by our Brussels office with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

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The new year brought a change in the EUROPEUM team

With the end of 2021, Zdeněk Beránek has left the director's chair and will now be working in the team of Markéta Pekarová-Adamová, the President of the Chamber of Deputies. His agenda at the Institute will be taken over by Executive Director Martin Vokálek, Deputy Director Christian Kvorning Lassen and the rest of the team.

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Aktuálně.cz: Domino effect in Central Eastern Europe? EU criticises attacks on media in Slovenia

Slovenia is beginning to resemble Hungary in many ways. The European Parliament's attention has been drawn, among other things, to pressure on journalists and independent institutions. Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office of the Institute for European Policy, commented on the state of the rule of law in Slovenia for Aktuálně.

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REPORT: 30 Years of Visegrad: Role of the V4 countries in shaping the future of the EU

The Think-Tank Think Visegrad published a report on the anniversary of the Visegrad Four, its future and its role in the EU. The conference took place on November 22, 2021. Speakers discussed, among other things, the perspectives of the Visegrad countries at the conference and what the future of the Visegrad is.

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EU MONITOR: Geothermal energy and the Visegrad group

Tatiana Mindeková wrote EU MONITOR about the importance of, often neglected, geothermal energy in the decarbonization process. She explains how geothermal energy works, what its advantages are, and, conversely, what challenges it brings. She also addresses the usage of geothermal energy in the Visegrad countries.

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INVITATION: Eastern Partnership Summit 2021 as a new chapter of the EU-EaP relations: Time for diversification?

We would like to invite you to a debate entitled "Eastern Partnership Summit 2021 as a new chapter of the EU-EaP relations: Time for diversification?" The online debate will take place on December 14 at 17:30.

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Policy Paper: Green Transformation: reconfiguration of consumption in Norway and the Czech Republic in a more sustainable direction

Our research fellow Vít Havelka together with Torval Tangeland, Petr Soukup, Nikola Hořejš, and Pål Strandbakken wrote a Policy Paper as a part of the project Green Transformation: Sustainable Consumption and European Single Market policies supported by the Norway Grants in the Czech Republic. In this paper, he compares and identifies knowledge gaps between Czech and Norwegian consumers. He gives an overview of the present situation in both countries, including possible research gaps and describes the unique national contexts and experiences.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: The adoption of the euro in the Czech Republic - when will be the right time?

By joining the EU, Czechia has committed itself, among other things, to adopt the common European currency - the euro. However, this commitment is not specified in time. Not only whether Czechia is ready for the introduction of the euro will be another of the Café Evropa debates. The debate will take place on Monday 6.12. from 17:30 online on our Facebook.

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Emerging Europe: Despite new Warsaw-Brussels feud, there will be no Polexit

The Director of Europeum Institute for European Policy Zdeněk Beránek contributed to an article on the current relations between Poland and the European Union. The article refutes predictions of Poland's imminent departure from the EU and covers, among other things, the disputes over the Turów mine.

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Blog: A New Agenda for the EU Southern Neighbourhood?

Intern Kristina Gera wrote a blog on "A New Agenda for the EU's Southern Neighbourhood?".

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