POLICY PAPER: Komunikace zdraví v éře konspiračních teorií

Milan Urbaník se ve svém policy paperu věnuje veřejné komunikaci týkající se zdravotnictví v době široce rozšířených konspiračních teorií. Zaměřuje se zejména vakcinaci proti COVID-19 a představuje zásady komunikační kampaně, která by měla vyvracet dezinformace ohledně vakcinace.

The Czech government is under increased pressure to persuade citizens to vaccinate themselves against Covid-19. The strong presence of anti-vaccination movements, as well as general scepticism of Czech public against vaccination represents a serious challenge for public communication. To communicate effectively in the context of conspiracy theories, the Czech Ministry of Health should follow simple best practices to persuade citizens to vaccinate. The messages communicated should be clear and simple, delivered by reliable and familiar messengers. Furthermore, the right channels should be considered, and various governmental institutions should be consistent in their messages. In addition to the short-term adjustments, the Ministry of Health should consider employing or training health communication experts that would design, pre-test and evaluate health campaigns to realise the full persuasive potential of health communication.

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#komunikace #konspirační teorie #dezinformace

Milan Urbaník
Juniorní výzkumník

Expertiza: behaviorální věda, vzdělávání, veřejná politika

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