Press Release | Circular economy as a challenge for the Czech automotive industry

On Thursday, 17 October 2024, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with the Institute for Circular Economy INCIEN organized a conference entitled Circularity in the Czech Automotive Industry: opportunities and obstacles, in which the Czech Battery Cluster was a partner. The conference was attended by representatives of the Czech automotive industry, state administration and research organizations. The press release from the conference and presentations of the organizations can be found in the text below.

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Report | Climate policies are not the culprit of high costs and social inequalities, but can be the solution. But the government must seize the opportunity

This week, the Government will discuss in the third reading an amendment to the Emissions Trading Act, which also includes so-called household allowances. Under ETS2, these will charge for emissions from road transport and local heating - so they can help invest in infrastructure, renewable energy and support socially vulnerable groups. EUROPEUM Institute research fellow Rebeka Hengalová and others write.

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Debate in Brussels | A wind of change? Role of Central Europe and the next EU political cycle

As the dust settles after a hectic period of post-election negotiations, Von der Leyen’s second Commission is faced with serious economic challenges. Recent reports of Draghi and Letta have clearly indicated that the EU is lagging behind other global powers in the areas of growth and competitiveness and this is reflected in the composition of the College as well as within strategic priorities for the next political cycle. Come listen and debate about challenges EU is facing!

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Debata v Bruselu | Závan změny? Role střední Evropy a příští politický cyklus EU

Když se po hektickém období povolebních jednání usadil prach, druhá Komise von der Leyenové čelí vážným hospodářským problémům. Nedávné zprávy Draghiho a Letty jasně naznačily, že EU zaostává za ostatními světovými mocnostmi v oblasti růstu a konkurenceschopnosti, což se odráží ve složení kolegia i v rámci strategických priorit pro příští politický cyklus. Přijďte si poslechnout a diskutovat o výzvách, které před EU stojí!

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Policy Brief | Winning the Race for AI Without Picking the Winners

Boosting European productivity and competitiveness hinges on both the development and uptake of technology, especially AI. Europe has a chance to place itself centrally in the AI value chain if the EU and its member states ensure access to computing power, data and finance as well as improving citizens’ basic and advanced digital skills. Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute Silke Maes, among other contributors, writes in this Policy Brief.

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Policy Brief | Were Czech industrial policy interests reflected in EU 2024-2029 strategic agenda discussions?

In light of the recent return of industrial policy to the global and EU stage, this policy brief outlines how Czech interests in this policy were reflected in the debates leading up to the adoption of 2024-2029 EU strategic agenda. First, it strives to define Czech industrial policy interests, outlining two alternative approaches to how they can be perceived. The liberal approach follows the long established consensus, according to which Czechia – as a very open, export oriented economy – should promote above all a seamless Single Market and free trade. Writes EUROPEUM Institute researcher Klára Votavová in her Policy Brief.

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ČT24 | The balance of power in the newly elected European Parliament

The European Parliament has many negotiations ahead of it, be it the distribution of political parties in the political groups, the filling of key positions or the names of the new European Commissioners. What is the most interesting thing to watch on the European stage right now? What other moments will now influence the development of European politics? Vít Havelka, research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, comments for ČT24.

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Analysis | Conditions for Regional Preparedness to Draw on the Just Transition Fund

Through interviews with officials and other relevant actors at national and regional level, this research report identifies conditions for regional preparedness to draw on the Just Transition Fund. Researcher at EUROPEUM Institute Klára Votavová compares the situation in two of the three Czech regions that are drawing on the Fund: Moravian-Silesian and Karlovy Vary Region.

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TV Nova | How does the Czech public view climate change and the development of renewable energy sources?

Before the upcoming elections to the European Parliament, a debate was held on TV Nova among the leading figures of the seven main political parties, movements, and coalitions. Discussions revolved around important issues such as the migration pact or the conflict in Ukraine. Rebeka Hengalová, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, provided an analysis for TV Nova on how the Czech public views climate change and the development of renewable energy sources.

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TV Nova | Development of renewable energy sources

How does the Czech public view climate change and the development of renewable energy sources? Do they see it as a path to competitiveness? According to Czechs, should the European Union focus on environmental issues? Rebeka Hengalová, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, discussed the STEM survey results in collaboration with the EUROPEUM Institute on the program "Naše Evropa" on TV Nova.

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