Op-Ed | Subsidised fossil fuels are a major obstacle to solving the climate crisis. The Czech Republic and the world must confront it

One of the biggest obstacles to solving the climate crisis is fossil fuel subsidies. However, they have not received much attention in the Czech Republic. An Op-Ed on this topic was written by our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová.

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ČRo: What is the energy situation in our country and in the world? How will the government strategy evolve here and in European countries? What about the world

The International Energy Agency said in its quarterly report that Europe will face unprecedented risks regarding Russian supplies and may be forced to compete with Asia for liquefied natural gas. Our research fellow Michal Hrubý discussed the European situation, including the Czech situation in this global context, with Martina Mašková.

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WNP.PL: From price freezes to temperature limits. Here's how Europe is tackling the energy crisis.

The energy crisis is forcing European governments to reduce energy consumption, but also to introduce mechanisms to protect consumers from rising heat and electricity prices. Our research fellow Michal Hrubý commented on the situation in the EU. "The Czech Republic and Italy are trying to diversify their gas supplies but have not yet decided on radical measures to reduce consumption. " "France has a problem with an ageing fleet of nuclear power stations and may not have enough electricity this winter. " "The French government, like the Czech Republic, has introduced a price cap on household energy bills and has decided to compensate the poorest households with a cost of between €100 and €200. "

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Gas in numbers | European gas solidarity: where does the Czech Republic stand? | UPDATED

European Union countries are facing a period of gas consumption cuts. Although the proposal agreed by Member States aims for a voluntary reduction of 15% in consumption in the coming months compared to the average of the past five years, the pressure for even greater savings will grow. And not only in natural gas consumption, but also in electricity. Our researcher Michal Hrubý has written an overview of gas and its use in the Czech Republic, in which he highlights the need for savings to help us get through this year's heating season and answers several questions related to gas consumption. Where does the Czech Republic stand on gas? What are our supplies and where to get new capacity? And how can we save for next winter? These questions are also answered in the review. We will update the overview gradually (originally published on 1 August 2022).

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Why sustainable consumerism is good but not enough

Helena Škrdlíková wrote a policy paper on the topic "Why sustainable consumerism is good but not enough", which will serve as a background material for the sixth debate from our project Prague Climate Talks. The event will take place on September 27th, 2018.

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Why sustainable consumerism is good but not enough

Helena Škrdlíková vypracovala nový policy paper, který slouží jako podkladový materiál pro šestou diskusi ze série Prague Climate Talks. Ta proběhne 27. září 2018.

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COP21: a glimmer of hope amidst the gloom?

The COP21 climate conference in Paris has finished and brought a "historic" agreement. What are its chances to succeed? And what areas were left out of the discussions altogether? Find out in a new blog by Christian Kvorning Lassen and Kateřina Davidová.

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