JOJ24 | Post-election negotiations within the European Parliament and the potential of the far right

The far right is often disunited, as it lacks electoral discipline and prioritizes its own interests of national politics over its political group. In an interview for the Slovak television JOJ24, Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute, describes the role European Conservatives and Reformists and the far right from the Identity and Democracy Group could play in coalition building.

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The Hill | The threat of Russian nationalism looms over Europe

The threat of Russian nationalism poses a serious danger to Europe, as emphasized by the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell in his speech in April. Russia is attempting to reassert its influence, particularly through its war against Ukraine, which undermines European security. What impact does the reemergence of Russian nationalism, supported by China, have on European security, and how should the West respond to this geopolitical reality? In his commentary for the American news website The Hill, Hugo Blewett-Mundy, an external collaborator and research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, addresses this topic.

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The Hill | Nebezpečí ruského nacionalismu ohrožuje Evropu

Hrozba ruského nacionalismu představuje vážnou hrozbu pro Evropu, jak zdůraznil šéf zahraniční politiky EU Josep Borrell při svém projevu v dubnu. Rusko se snaží znovu prosadit svůj vliv, zejména prostřednictvím války proti Ukrajině, což narušuje evropskou bezpečnost. Jaký dopad má návrat ruského nacionalismu, podporovaného Čínou, na evropskou bezpečnost a jak by měl Západ na tuto geopolitickou realitu reagovat? Ve svém komentáři pro americký web The Hill se tomuto tématu věnuje Hugo Blewett-Mundy, externí spolupracovník Institutu EUROPEUM.

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BLOG | Canada as the emerging leader in the Arctic

Zsanett Gréta Papp, our research assistant, writes in her blog "Canada as the emerging leader in the Arctic" that the Arctic is critical to Canada's national identity, prosperity, security, values, and interests. This blog is the first in a series of blogs on the Arctic.

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Czechia between V4 and the EU: the impact of migration on Visegrad cohesion

Vladislav Strnad publikoval Policy brief o dopadu migrační krize na země V4 v celounijním kontextu.

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Europe on Populism: Policies of intolerance should not be tolerated

Our Rachel Warren analyzes in her latest blog the rise of populist tendencies in European politics.

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Europe on Populism: Policies of intolerance should not be tolerated

Naše Rachel Warren analyzuje ve svém nejnovějším blogu evropské politické trendy a vzestup populismu.

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One Hundred Years On: a New Central Europe from the Ruins?

As part of the project 1918 CEE Identity, Gábor Egry has written an essay that relates to the approaching hundred year anniversary of the collapse of the Central and Eastern European empires, and author analyzes, among other things, the common historical heritage of these newly created states.

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One Hundred Years On: a New Central Europe from the Ruins?

Gábor Egry v rámci projektu 1918 CEE Identity vypracoval esej, která se vztahuje k blížícímu se stoletému výročí od pádu středo a východoevropských impérií. Autor v ní mimo jiné analyzuje společné historické dědictví jejich nástupnických států.

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European Charlemagne Youth Prize

Since 2008, the European Parliament together with the ‘Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen’ have each year been inviting young people from all EU Member States to submit projects run by and for youth showing an active participation in the development of Europe.

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