RTVS | The European Parliament strongly condemned Hungary

On Thursday, the European Parliament condemned the Hungarian government's deliberate, continuous and systematic efforts to undermine the fundamental values of the European Union. The resolution, which was supported by 345 MEPs, expresses deep concern at the further erosion of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights in Hungary. What are the main reasons why the European Parliament has expressed its so far strongest reservations against Hungary? Žiga Faktor, director of our Brussels office and deputy director, commented on RTVS.

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E15: EU to restrict tourist visas for Russians. They will pay extra for a holiday in Europe.

Our Senior Research Fellow Vít Havelka commented for the E15 website on the issue of tourist visas and their restrictions for Russians. At a summit in Prague on Wednesday, EU foreign ministers agreed on a compromise regarding the ban on issuing tourist visas to citizens of the Russian Federation.

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Studio ČT24: Abolishing the anti-coronavirus measures in Italy

Our Associate Research, Alexandr Lagazzi, gave an interview to ČT24 on the end of COVID passports in Italy. The liberalization that is now coming to the Mediterranean has not escaped Italy. During the interview, Alexandr Lagazzi mentioned the COVID measures that still apply and also those that are already being abolished. In addition to the measures concerning covid passports, the restrictions on respirators were also mentioned at the interview.

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POLICY REPORT: The perspectives of the Czech automotive industry's decarbonization

Our Research Fellow Michal Hrubý examines the current state of the Czech automotive industry and its possible decarbonisation in connection with emissions. He divides his recommendations into five points - bolster green investments, financial incentives are the change-drivers, boost charging infrastructure, support the corporate BEVs fleet market and a ban on ICEVs is not the solution per se. The policy report was written within the project Decarbonisation of the automotive industry in the Czech Republic.

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Supporting media freedom in Serbia in relation to the EU accession process

We are delighted to announce the launch of a project focused on support for independent Serbian journalists reporting on Serbia’s EU integration process, its obstacles in the field of democratic governance, and the rule of law and fundamental rights and freedoms, including the freedom of media. The project is supported by the Transition Promotion Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and implemented together with the Centre for Contemporary Politics from Serbia.

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Analyst A. Lagazzi on Italy's entry into the second phase

After more than 2 months, people in Italy could return to work. Alexandr Lagazzi spoke on the Italian government's decision to further ease the pandemic restrictions.

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TA3: Director of Europeum V. Bartovič on the easing of EU crisis measures

Our director Vladimír Bartovic gave an interview on the topic of the European Commission's plan for the gradual termination of restrictive measures against the spread of COVID-19.

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EU MONITOR: Backsliding of democracy in Slovenia under right-wing populist Janez Janša

In his latest EU Monitor, Žiga Faktor examines the backsliding of democracy in Slovenia during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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EU MONITOR: Úpadek demokracie ve Slovinsku pod krajně pravicovým Janezem Janšou

Ve svém posledním EU Monitoru zkoumá Žiga Faktor úpadek demokracie ve Slovinsku během pandemie COVID-19.

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EASTERN MONITOR: Western Balkans in the fight against the COVID-19: Another cause for democratic backsliding?

In her latest Eastern Monitor, Jana Juzová examines the fight of western Balkans countries against the COVID-19.

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