ČT24: Brexit and its impact on the Czech Republic

Michal Vít was on ČT24 the 30th of June. He spoke about the British referendum and commented on the stance of the Czech Republic following the outcome of Brexit.

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EuropaSecura: Winners have been announced

Nation-wide round of the EuropaSecura competition knows its winners. The final round took place in a military complex in Brdy.

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Der Standard: Refugee crisis: cooperation in the shadow of populism

Christian Kvorning Lassen talked to Der Standard about reactions of the V4 countries to the refugee crisis and the threat of populism.

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Preparations for a Brexit IV: views from Austria, the Czech Republic, Finland, Greece, and Malta

With the Brexit referendum being just behind the corner, the London School of Economics and Political Science launched a series of blogs about member states’ attitudes towards Brexit and future without Great Britain. Vladimír Bartovic and Zuzana Kasáková contributed to the forth blog describing position of the Czech Republic.

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Přípravy na Brexit IV: pohled Rakouska, České republiky, Finska, Řecka a Malty

Referendum o vystoupení Velké Británie z EU se blíží. London School of Economics and Political Science vydala v pořadí již čtvrtý blog o postojích členských zemí k Brexitu a budoucnosti EU bez Velké Británie. Za Českou republiku přispěl Vladimír Bartovic ve spolupráci se Zuzanou Kasákovou.

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EuropaSecura: Regional rounds

Regional rounds of national competition for high school students EuropaSecura are now taking place across the country. Students defend their security analyses they worked on in teams of three.

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Russian Liaisons with the Czech Republic

Christian Kvorning Lassen's article published in Charter 97 focuses on Russia’s involvement in Czech politics.

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ČT24: Czech Republic to reject quotas once again

Vladimír Bartovic was in Studio ČT24 yesterday. He commented on position of the Czech Republic and the V4 countries towards the quotas. Furthermore, he talked about international law and EU-Turkey deal.

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Results of the Think Visegrad Fellowship

All eight participating organizations know the names of their new fellows! Tija Memisevic was chosen to conduct her research at EUROPEUM.

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Czech EU Policy - Priorities and Expectations

On 23 May, Czech Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels hosted a debate organised by the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM.

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