Invitation: presentation of the study "Czech automotive industry in the process of change"

We would like to invite you to the presentation of the study on "Czech automotive industry in the process of change" with the participation of representatives of Boston Consulting Group, AutoSAP, EUROPEUM and LEEF Technologies. On Monday 13 June 2022 from 9.00-11.30.

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Pozvánka: Prezentace studie „Český automobilový průmysl v procesu změny“

Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na prezentaci studie na téma „Český automobilový průmysl v procesu změny” za účasti zástupců společností Boston Consulting Group, AutoSAP, EUROPEUM a LEEF Technologies. V pondělí 13. června 2022 od 9.00-11.30.

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INVITATION: EU±: Climate in the European Parliament - Outlook for the Czech Presidency

We cordially invite you to the next debate in the EU± series, this time on the topic Climate in the European Parliament - Outlook for the Czech Presidency. How will the vote affect the Czech Presidency? Does this mean the end of the green policy efforts in the EU? The debate will take place online on Facebook on Wednesday 14 June at 17:30.

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BLOG: The Sixth Sanctions Package & the Visegrad Group’s Reliance on Putin’s Gas

Jakub Ferenčík wrote a blog on the current topic: The Sixth Sanctions Package & the Visegrad Group’s Reliance on Putin’s Gas. Russia's aggression in Ukraine has necessitated another package of sanctions, this time in the energy sector. Due to the lack of alternatives for gas supplies, the Visegrad Four countries had a problem with the implementation of the latest sanctions package. In the end, the EU found a consensus and introduced exemptions for the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

Zjistit více PDF A blow to the Czech car industry? MEPs approve end to internal combustion engines

In connection with the approval of the proposal to ban the sale of cars with internal combustion engines after 2035, Michal Hruby's commentary for the Seznam Zprávy news website is an optimistic view of the future that awaits us with electric cars.

Zjistit více The European Parliament today missed an opportunity to position the EU as a clear climate leader

According to Michal Hrubý, our researcher, the state's responsibility for the overall reduction of emissions in transport is a signal for the transition to cleaner mobility. In his commentary, he discusses what challenges await us in the transition to emission-free car models after 2035 and what opportunities are open to the Czech Republic in this direction. Kateřina Davidová, a researcher at our institute, adds her words on European climate policy, describing the possible impacts of weakening the EU ETS.

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ČT24: Preparations for the Czech EU Presidency

Vít Havelka, a research fellow at the Europeum Institute, spoke on ČT24's Studia programme about preparations for the Czech EU Presidency, which begins in July. Havelka's main focus is on the change in the role of the presidency from 2009. Now it is mainly about negotiating new European legislation than it was before. Furthermore, he also presented the direction of the Czech Republic in the legislative process and mentioned political priorities, where one of the main topics will be the war in Ukraine.

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Brussels will decide tomorrow whether to ban the sale of internal combustion engines

The magazine Flotila published an article written for about the ongoing debate on the change of emission limits for cars, for which our researcher Michal Hrubý provided a commentary on electromobility.

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INVITATION: EU as a Task: Presentation of policy priorities of the Czech presidency to the Council of EU

We would like to invite you to the discussion titled: "EU as a Task: Presentation of policy priorities of the Czech presidency to the Council of EU", which will take place on Monday 20th June, from 17:00 at the House of European History, Rue Belliard 135, 1000 Bruxelles. The event is organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the European Union.

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EURACTIV: Union looking for LNG supplier. EU pinning its hopes on the Gulf

Our researcher Kateřina Davidová is quoted in a EURACTIV article on LNG. According to Kateřina Davidová, the new EU strategy represents a shift in the "right direction".

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