POZVÁNKA: Transregional versus national perspectives on Contemporary Central European History

Rádi bychom Vás srdečně pozvali na křest publikace s názvem "Transregional versus national perspectives on Contemporary Central European History", který se uskuteční 15. prosince 2017 v Bratislavě.

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Think Visegrad Fellowship 2017

EUROPEUM is one of eight receiving institutions taking part in the Think Visegrad Fellowship program.

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Think Visegrad Fellowship 2017

EUROPEUM je jednou z osmi institucí účastnících se Think Visegrad Fellowship programu.

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European economic governance seen from the V4

Our Vladimír Bartovic and Radomír Špok co-authored a series of policy briefs within the framework of the „European economic governance seen from the V4” project, supported by the „Standard Grant” Programme of the International Visegrad Fund.

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European economic governance seen from the V4

Náš Vladimír Bartovic a Radomír Špok sepsali policy brief v rámci projektu „European economic governance seen from the V4”, který byl podpořen z grantu „Standard Grant” od International Visegrad Fund.

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Central Europe and the rise of nationalism

Our Michal Vít contributed to the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs' publication titled Illiberal Democracies in the EU: the Visegrad Group and the Risk of Disintegration with a chapter on the broader context of political development of the V4 region in the light of the immigration crisis of 2015 and 2016.

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Central Europe and the rise of nationalism

Náš Michal Vít přispěl k publikaci Barcelona Centre for International Affairs s názvem ''Illiberal Democracies in the EU: the Visegrad Group and the Risk of Disintegration'' s kapitolou o širším kontextu politického rozvoje regionu zemí V4 ve světle migrační krize roku 2015 a 2016.

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Frontiers of Democracy: Embedding Democratic Values in Central and Eastern Europe

Our partner Center for European Neighborhood Studies has published a new book titled "Frontiers of Democracy: Embedding Democratic Values in Central and Eastern Europe. Good practices and limits of transferability".

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Frontiers of Democracy: Embedding Democratic Values in Central and Eastern Europe

Náš partner Center for European Neighborhood Studies vydal novou publikaci s názvem "Frontiers of Democracy: Embedding Democratic Values in Central and Eastern Europe. Good practices and limits of transferability".

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REPORT: Security in Europe from a Visegrád viewpoint: strengthening fundamentals, but rethinking perspectives?

On December 9 we organized, in cooperation with Centre for European Policy Studies and European Policy Institutes Network, an international conference in the framework of the Think Visegrad in Brussels project. The report summarizing the debate and the issues relating to the V4 countries is now available.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Praha 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552
email: europeum@europeum.org