LA LIBRE: Reputedly Eurosceptic, the Czech Republic is trimming its European suit

Our research fellow Žiga Faktor commented for the Belgian daily La Libre on the topic of Czech Euroscepticism. The positive attitude of Václav Havel (the so-called great European) towards Europe was also reflected in the incoming Czech presidency, specifically in the motto "Europe as a task". The motto is inspired by his speech in Cácy in 1996. Despite a positive attitude in the past, according to the latest data from STEM, only 33 % of Czechs have a positive view of the Czech Republic's EU membership.

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DELO.SI: Prime Minister Fiala's presidency will be hampered by past mistakes

The Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU begins today. One of the challenges that the Czech Republic will face is the possible extension of sanctions against Russia, for instance in the gas sector. However, the geographical proximity of Ukraine to the Czech Republic should facilitate negotiations on this issue. Žiga Faktor, head of our Brussels office, commented on this topic for the Slovenian online daily DELO.

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EU MONITOR: Recharging the Czech EU Presidency

Czechia will enter its second round of the EU Presidency on the 1st of July. Despite the ongoing major shift toward e-mobility across the EU, no strong commitments are coming from the Czech government. The widely accepted milestone of 2035 for phasing-out the sales of new non-zero-emission cars is still perceived by many local policy-makers as unrealistic. Michal Hrubý, a research fellow at the Institute for European Policy, writes in his EU Monitor.

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EU MONITOR: Recharging the Czech EU Presidency

Česko vstoupí 1. července do druhého kola předsednictví EU. Navzdory probíhajícímu významnému posunu směrem k e-mobilitě v celé EU nepřicházejí ze strany české vlády žádné silné závazky. Všeobecně přijímaný milník pro postupné ukončení prodeje nových automobilů s nenulovými emisemi do roku 2035 je mnoha místními politiky stále vnímán jako nereálný. Píše Michal Hrubý, výzkumný pracovník Insititutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM ve svém EU Monitoru.

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Work in Progress: The Migration Pact between French and Czech presidencies

Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and Think Visegrad platform cordially invite you to an expert roundtable discussion titled: Work in Progress: The Migration Pact between French and Czech presidencies.The discussion will take place on Tuesday 12th July from 17:00 to 19:00 at the Orange Room of the Egmont Palace, Place du Petit Sablon, 8, 1000 Brussels

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ČRo Plus: The European Union is preparing joint gas purchases. The summit has not yet produced an agreement on how to lower prices.

Our research fellow Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the ongoing negotiations on the European summit to help further joint action towards Russia and European energy independence. What will the energy crisis mean for the incoming Czech presidency?

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ČT24: Candidate country status for Ukraine and Moldova

Ukrainian and Moldovan candidacy. What do these countries have to fulfill in order to be admitted to the EU? Is there political will among the Member States to accept new members into the EU? Is the granting of candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova also a symbolic gesture toward Russia? Our senior researcher Jana Juzová answers these questions in the studio of ČT24.

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EKONEWS: MEPs agree on reform of emission allowances, free allocation for industry to end gradually

Our researchers Kateřina Davidová and Michal Hruby commented for the news website Ekonews. In the article, they comment on ETS and their reform, which was approved by the European Parliament.

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E15: The carbon capture business is taking off in Europe. Brussels to release billions for it

On Monday 20 June, the National Seminar on the topic of CO2 capture and storage in geological structures (CCS) took place, which was the subject of a media report on the news website E15, where Michal Hrubý, a Research Fellow at the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, talks about the topic.

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E15: European politicians underestimated Russia 13 years ago. Czech Republic faces a more difficult presidency

Michal Hrubý, our Research Fellow, commented on the topic of the Czech EU Presidency in an article for the news server E15 in which he addresses the issue of gas from Russia. The article also compares the situation with 2009, when the Czech Republic held the EU Council Presidency for the first time.

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