EU MONITOR: Recharging the Czech EU Presidency
Česko vstoupí 1. července do druhého kola předsednictví EU. Navzdory probíhajícímu významnému posunu směrem k e-mobilitě v celé EU nepřicházejí ze strany české vlády žádné silné závazky. Všeobecně přijímaný milník pro postupné ukončení prodeje nových automobilů s nenulovými emisemi do roku 2035 je mnoha místními politiky stále vnímán jako nereálný. Píše Michal Hrubý, výzkumný pracovník Insititutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM ve svém EU Monitoru.
30. června 2022

- Strategic e-mobility communication – the Czech EU presidency provides a unique opportunity to show our support for the e-mobility transition. While we need to communicate both externally to the global stakeholders and internally to local producers and consumers, we cannot forget that the EU presidency means managing dialogue between the EU Member States. Not lobbying for our interests.
- Strong governmental support toward battery production – a precondition for successful automotive transformation. Investment incentivization is not the only key ingredient to success. We also need to conceptually change the way we prepare the current and future workforce and the way we promote the general idea of e-mobility transition. Supporting both private and public sector to adopt e-mobility and build the charging infrastructure means to show the good practice to the Czech general public.
- Need to create a conceptual framework for skill transfer and use – Czechia mostly relies on the sole production of passenger cars and is influenced by the decision-making of mother companies with foreign headquarters. We must prove that we are ready to acquire new tasks and jobs connected to higher value added while still keeping relatively lower labour costs compared to countries such as Germany.
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