E-mobility: An OPPORTUNITY for Central-Eastern Europe

Rádi bychom vás pozvali na konferenci u příležitosti českého předsednictví EU na téma: E-mobilita: PŘÍLEŽITOST pro středovýchodní Evropu. Konference se uskuteční 17. října 2022, 13:00 - 16:00 hod v Evropském domě, Jungmannova 745/24, Praha & online.

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RTV: Early Italian elections. Government crisis on the Apennine Peninsula.

Alexandr Lagazzi, an associate research fellow at our Institute, commented for Slovak RTV on the government crisis in Italy, which is leading to early elections. These are likely to take place at the end of September.

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E15: Germany continues to look for a way out of the energy crisis, confirms Scholz's visit to Prague

Tereza Novotná, an associate research fellow at our Institute, has provided a commentary for the E15 portal. In the article, she discusses the visit of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to Prague and the energy crisis that threatens the EU. According to Novotná, responsibility also lies with other countries, including the Czech Republic, which also failed to develop other energy sources in time.

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Job offer: Research Fellow in Just Europe Programme

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy is looking for a Research Fellow in Just Europe Programme. For more information, including requirements, please see the attached PDF.

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Výběrové řízení: Research Fellow in Just Europe Programme

Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM hledá do svých řad výzkumného pracovníka / výzkumnou pracovnici pro náš program Just Europe. Více informací včetně požadavků naleznete v přiloženém PDF.

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iDNES.cz: One-day vignette from 2024. The price will be determined by an increased annual vignette

The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, provided a commentary to the news portal iDnes.cz on the topic "One-day vignette from 2024. The price will be determined by the increased annual vignette". Since 2017, a proposal for a mandatory toll system in the EU has been in the works, so that trucks would pay only according to the number of kilometres driven. However, the changes also affect cars, specifically by introducing a one-day vignette. The price of the one-day vignette has not yet been set, but according to European regulations it must not exceed nine percent of the annual toll. The final price of the one-day vignette therefore depends on the annual motorway toll. Its implementation can be expected in 2024.

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EuropaSecura 2022: a look back at the 15th edition of the competition for high school students on European defence and security

The national EuropaSecura competition for high school students on European defence and security, organised with Czech Army and the Ministry of Defence, has successfully completed its 15th year and selected winners who will travel to Brussels. Take a look at what the competition entails and what it looks like at the national final at the military base in Brdy. The students experienced how diplomatic negotiations within the EU and NATO take place and how crisis situations are handled within the EU.

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MINISTRY OF DEFENCE: The 15th edition of the EuropaSecura competition already has its winners

On Friday 10 June, the EuropaSecura competition culminated and the students from the teams that placed in the top three positions can look forward to a three-day trip to Brussels. "This is a competition for high school students interested in international politics, current affairs and security policy. But it is not only about knowledge, it is unique in the Europe thanks to the practical part," explained the main coordinator of the project Martin Vokálek, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

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E15: Ukraine has been resisting Russian aggression for six months. A severe winter will test Western solidarity.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been going on for half a year. Despite constant fighting and pressure from Russia on Ukraine, the Russian Federation has failed to conquer Kiev. On the surface, it may appear that the war has stalled, but this is merely a deliberate tactic by Ukraine not to engage in major operations, but to wear down the Russian army. Western unity may be affected by new leadership in Italy and the UK, for example. However, the Czech Republic can play an important role, as it currently holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Our researcher Danielle Piatkiewicz also commented on the topic.

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VISEGRAD/ISIGHT: Czechia and Slovakia lead the ways

Our senior researcher Jana Juzová wrote an article for VISEGRAD/INSIGHT on "The Czech Republic and Slovakia in the lead". Since July, the Czech Republic has held the presidency of the EU Council and Slovakia the presidency of the Visegrad Four. Although the V4 is now in the shadow of Czech and Slovak foreign policy, this does not mean that it is less important or that it is falling apart. However, the V4 crisis triggered by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán may be an opportunity for the Czech Republic and Slovakia to determine the direction of the Visegrad Four.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
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email: europeum@europeum.org