Respekt: An agreement on the European budget is in the pipeline. The EU gave in to Orbán

Christian Kvorning Lassen, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy commented on Brussels' promises to delay a possible stop for subsidies for Hungary and Poland due to the rule of law for Respekt.

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V4 Countries in the Process of EU Integration of the WB6 and Implementation of Berlin Process

We would like to present a new regional study "V4 Countries in the Process of EU Integration of the WB6 and Implementation of Berlin Process" which was funded by the Think Visegrad Fund in cooperation with the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

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INVITATION: Western Balkans in 2020: EU Enlargement in Turbulent Times

We would like to invite you to a debate "Western Balkans in 2020: EU Enlargement in Turbulent Times". The event will take place on Friday 27 November between 17:00–18:15 via Zoom and will be broadcasted on Facebook.

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INVITATION: Evaluating EU-NATO cooperation, Czech involvement and the prospect of improvement under new US leadership

We would like to invite you to a debate "Evaluating EU-NATO cooperation, Czech involvement, and the prospect of improvement under new US leadership". The event will take place on Thursday 10 December between 17:30–19:00 on Facebook.

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POZVÁNKA: Hodnocení spolupráce EU-NATO, české zapojení a vyhlídky na zlepšení s novou americkou administrativou

Srdečně Vás zveme na debatu "Hodnocení spolupráce EU-NATO, české zapojení a vyhlídky na zlepšení s novou americkou administrativou", která se uskuteční ve čtvrtek 10. prosince v 17:30 online na našem facebooku.

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INVITATION: A year of the Czech European policy - how successful have we been?

We would like to invite you to a debate called "A year of the Czech European policy - how successful have we been?" organized by the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy which will take place on Tuesday, December 8 from 5:30 PM online on our Facebook.

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POZVÁNKA: Rok české evropské politiky – jak jsme byli úspěšní?

Srdečně Vás zveme na debatu s názvem "Rok české evropské politiky – jak jsme byli úspěšní?" pořádanou Institutem pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM, ve které budou naši hosté hodnotit dosavadní roli České republiky v evropské politice v roce 2020. Debatu budete moct sledovat v úterý 8. listopadu od 17:30 online na našem Facebooku.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: EU as a brand

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy cordially invites you to another debate from the Café Evropa series which will take place on Monday 7 December from 5.30 PM online on Facebook. Our guests will discuss the topic of the EU as a brand.

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INVITATION: Dialogue: Opinions of Czech Society on the European response to COVID-19

We would like to invite you to the debate "Dialogue: Opinions of Czech Society on the European response to COVID-19" organized in cooperation with the STEM Institute of Empirical Research. The dialogue will present a survey of Czech society's views on the European response to COVID-19 which was created in cooperation with the STEM Institute of Empirical Research and the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM. The dialogue will be broadcast live on Wednesday 9 December 2020 from 5.30 pm.

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POZVÁNKA: Dialog: Názory Čechů na evropskou reakci na COVID-19

Rádi bychom Vás pozvali na další debatu z formátu Dialog, tentokrát s názvem "Názory Čechů na evropskou reakci na COVID-19". Dialog bude prezentovat výzkum názorů české společnosti na evropskou reakci na COVID-19, který vznikl ve spolupráci STEM Ústavu empirických výzkumů a Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM. Dialog bude vysílán živě ve středu 9. prosince 2020 od 17:30 na našich facebookových stránkách.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Praha 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552