Reforming the Common European Asylum Policy (CEAS)

Christian Kvorning Lassen has analyzed in his latest policy paper how the Common European Asylum System works and to what extent the treatment of asylum seekers and the rate of recognition of applications vary in practice between EU members.

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Reforming the Common European Asylum Policy (CEAS)

Christian Kvorning Lassen analyzoval ve svém nejnovějším policy paperu jak funguje společný evropský azylový systém a do jaké míry se v praxi zacházení s žadateli o azyl a míra uznání žádostí liší mezi jednotlivými členy EU.

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Café Evropa in the regions – Hradec Králové: The current developments of the migration crisis

Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate that is part of the series Café Evropa in the regions. Our distinguished guests Jaroslav Plesl and Martin Rozumek will discuss the following topic: “The current developments of the migration crisis“.

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The Western Balkans on their way to the EU – status quo regardless of refugees

Michal Vít focuses, in his latest policy paper, on the contemporary political and societal context of the Western Balkan region from the perspective of EU enlargement, with focus on the developments during the refugees crisis.

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RTVS: EU court to rule on humanitarian visas

Our Christian K. Lassen commented for RTVS on the question of whether an EU country is obliged to grant humanitarian visas to people who are not yet on its territory.

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Central Europe and the rise of nationalism

Our Michal Vít contributed to the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs' publication titled Illiberal Democracies in the EU: the Visegrad Group and the Risk of Disintegration with a chapter on the broader context of political development of the V4 region in the light of the immigration crisis of 2015 and 2016.

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Central Europe and the rise of nationalism

Náš Michal Vít přispěl k publikaci Barcelona Centre for International Affairs s názvem ''Illiberal Democracies in the EU: the Visegrad Group and the Risk of Disintegration'' s kapitolou o širším kontextu politického rozvoje regionu zemí V4 ve světle migrační krize roku 2015 a 2016.

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REPORT: American students visited EUROPEUM

American students from Ohio visited EUROPEUM on 13th December 2016. Our research fellows introduced them EUROPEUM's activities and then discussed the topics that are currently discussed within the European Union.

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RTVS: German deportation policy

Our research fellow Christian K. Lassen commented for radio RTVS on the possible impact of the planned deportation policy tightening in Germany.

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Visa-free travels for Ukraine and Georgia: “Are we there yet?”

The latest contribution to the EASTERN MONITOR series by Nelly Tomčíková deals with the current issue of visa liberalization for Ukraine and Georgia.

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Praha 1 - Staré Město
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tel.: +420 212 246 552