Visa-free travels for Ukraine and Georgia: “Are we there yet?”

Další příspěvek do série EASTERN MONITOR od Nelly Tomčíkové se věnuje aktuální otázce vízové liberalizace pro Ukrajinu a Gruzii.

  • The Eastern Partnership countries, Ukraine and Georgia have taken major steps towards visa liberalisation with the EU and completed both phases of the Visa Liberalisation Action Plan at the end of 2015. The EU promised to draw draft legislation in early 2016 for both countries to be granted visa-free regime. Due to the spillover political effects of the pressure the EU members faced with the refugee crisis and the sceptical approach of some EU members towards moving forward on visa liberalisation, it took almost a whole year and a succession of tedious meetings and uncertain and vague promises to finally open the negotiations on this issue at the beginning of December 2016. 

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#Eastern Monitor #Eastern Partnership #vízová liberalizace #Ukrajina #Gruzie

Nelly Tomčíková
Výzkumná spolupracovnice

Expertíza: Finanční management, management projektů, EU-Ruské/východní partnerské vztahy, zahraníční spolupráce.

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