INVITATION: EU± // How should the EU respond to the situation in Belarus?

For several weeks now, there have been massive protests by Belarusians against the rigged presidential election in their country. During that time, several people were killed by security forces and thousands more were beaten or imprisoned. How should the EU respond to this situation? The guests of the next debate within the EU± series will address this issue on Wednesday, September 23.

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EU MONITOR: The new Slovak government: An exemplary to the rest of the V4 amidst global crises?

The new direction of the Slovak political scene and the significance of this development within the Visegrad region: that is the topic our Miroslava Pěčková deals with in her latest EU Monitor.

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EU MONITOR: Nová slovenská vláda: Exemplární příklad vůči zbytku V4 uprostřed globálních krizí

Nové směřování slovenské politické scény a význam tohoto vývoje v rámci visegrádského regionu je téma, kterému se ve svém nejnovějším EU Monitoru věnuje naše Miroslava Pěčková.

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Europeum and COVID-19

Explore our publications, events and other activities concerning the pandemic and its consequences.

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Europeum a COVID-19

Prohlédněte si naše publikace, akce a další aktivity související s koronavirovou pandemií a jejími důsledky.

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Democracy for better or for worse? Assessing Poland’s upcoming elections

In her article, Danielle Piatkiewicz assesses the May presidential elections in Poland, taking place during the COVID–19 pandemic.

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Demokracie v dobrém i ve zlém? Hodnocení nadcházejících voleb v Polsku

Danielle Piatkiewicz ve svém článku hodnotí květnové prezidentské volby v Polsku, konající se během pandemie COVID–19.

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Talking Europe(um) – podcast about Europe and the EU

Talking Europe(um) is a podcast which comments on current issues in the European Union. List of episodes, as well as information about where you can listen to the podcast, is in the article.

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Talking Europe(um) – podcast o dění v Evropě a EU

Talking Europe(um) je podcast, který komentuje aktuální dění v Evropské unii. Seznam epizod a informace o tom, kde si podcast můžete pustit, najdete v článku.

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(Dis)United towards a common goal: Can Democrats produce a candidate capable of defeating Donald Trump?

In his latest blog post, Žiga Faktor focused on the Democratic primaries ahead of this year's United States presidential election.

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