INVITATION | Green Deal and the Energy Crisis in the Czech Information Space

We would like to invite you to a debate on "Green Deal and the energy crisis in the Czech information space". The debate will take place on Tuesday, 17 January from 18:00 to 19:30. The debate will also be available to watch online on the Facebook event page.

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Lidové noviny | How to expand the EU without major upheaval

With the opening of accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova and the granting of candidate status to Georgia, questions about the functioning of the European Union after enlargement have been raised more and more frequently recently, and it is becoming clear that the Union cannot do without significant reforms. What is the Czech Republic's position on this? Our senior researcher Jana Juzová answers this question in an article for Lidové noviny.

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Právo | Merchant Orbán cashed in Brussels

The EU opens accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova, contrary to Hungary's wishes. Even so, Hungary did not come out of the negotiations deprived - the European Commission released to Hungary 250 billion crowns from the funds blocked so far. How much longer can Orban hold Ukraine hostage in his decision-making? Our deputy director Viktor Daněk commented on the topic for Právo.

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ČRo Plus | What will the new EU migration rules commit the Czech Republic to?

After many years of unsuccessful efforts, EU member states and MEPs agreed today on new migration and asylum rules for the European bloc. The series of standards provides for, among other things, more effective checks on migrants and faster return of failed asylum seekers to their countries of origin. It also introduces compulsory solidarity among all EU states, which can help overburdened countries either by accepting part of the migrants or by providing financial or material aid. Our deputy director Viktor Daněk commented on the topic for Radiožurnál.

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Policy Paper | Overcoming barriers to unlock potential for a Just Transition in Czechia

The energy transition focuses on the swift and full decarbonization of our economies by moving away from fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas and oil towards carbon-free and preferably renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, geothermal, bioenergy and hydropower. The global community agreed to limiting the global average temperature to 1.5C to prevent worsening of potentially irreversible effects of climate change. Writes Jonathan Lyons.

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Policy Paper | Překonání překážek pro uvolnění potenciálu spravedlivého přechodu v Česku

Energetický přechod se zaměřuje na rychlou a úplnou dekarbonizaci našich ekonomik odklonem od fosilních paliv, jako je uhlí, zemní plyn a ropa, směrem k bezuhlíkovým a pokud možno obnovitelným zdrojům energie, jako je větrná, solární, geotermální, bioenergie a vodní energie. Světové společenství se dohodlo na omezení průměrné globální teploty na 1,5C, aby se zabránilo zhoršení potenciálně nevratných dopadů změny klimatu. Píše Jonathan Lyons.

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RTVS | EU leaders summit decides to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova

Viktor Orbán leaves the room before the vote on the opening of accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, showing his position but not blocking the move. How did the other heads of state convince him? What can we expect from the Hungarian Prime Minister in the future? Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of the EUROPEUM Institute, answered these questions for Slovak RTVS.

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CNN Prima News | Orbán has been softened by the unblocking of EU subsidies. He did not veto the accession talks with the new states

The Hungarian leader has traded his consent to accession talks with Ukraine, Moldova and Bosnia-Herzegovina for European money. Or so it seems, given that right before the EU leaders' summit he announced that he would veto the move. Our deputy director Viktor Danek spoke about Hungary's position in an interview with CNN Prima News.

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E15 | Summit in Brussels will show if Orbán is Putin's Trojan horse in the EU

Viktor Orbán is the only EU leader who has stated in advance that he does not intend to support the opening of accession negotiations with Ukraine. The question is what his motivations are and whether he will be softened by the unblocking of EU funding for Hungary. Our senior researcher Jana Juzová commented on Orbán's position at the Summit for the daily E15.

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BLOG | The EU is running out of time to protect European workers from a turbo Svarc system

As the final phase of negotiations between the European Parliament and the Member States on the EU Platform Work Directive approaches, the fate of millions of workers hangs in the balance. Time is running out to protect Czech and EU workers from the Turbo Shvarc system. Read the full article by Silke Maes Junior Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute.

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