Czechs are the biggest euroskeptics. What do central Europeans want, and how do they see the EU?

An extensive research of public opinion in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia and Slovenia showed, that a considerable portion of Central Europeans believe, that the EU is treating them unfairly. Still, the wish to remain, and want strong leaders and a homogenous society.

Zjistit více Orbán is dangerous and the EU can not contest him.

Our Martin Michelot was interviewed for about Orbáns systematic dismantling of democracy.

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Hungary, Poland: the difficult choices ahead for the European Union

Nicolas Bouchet authored a policy paper on the confrontation within the EU over its liberal democratic standards, with a focus on the strategy that the Union could implement to face such issue.

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Hungary, Poland: the difficult choices ahead for the European Union

Náš Nicolas Bouchet vypracoval policy paper o konfrontaci v rámci Unie nad liberálně-demokratickými standardy se zaměřením na strategii, kterou by EU mohla uplatnit, aby čelila této problematice.

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NovýČas: Orbán's victory with Fidesz: Why will he control Hungary?

Our Vladimír Bartovic commented for the Slovak journal Nový Čas on Viktor Orban's victory in the parliamentary elections and his future plans.

Zjistit více Brussels against the wave of populism in Hungary and Poland.

Our Martin Michelot commented for, on the situation of increasing populism in the east, particularly in Hungary and Poland.

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LaCroix: Is Brussels stricter with Warsaw than it is with Budapest?

Our Martin Michelot commented for La Croix on the topic of differences in the attitude of Brussels towards Warsaw and Budapest.

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ČRo Plus: Viktor Orbán celebrates another electoral victory

Vladimir Bartovic commented on the victory of Viktor Orbán. What does this mean for Hungary, and how strong is Orbán's grip on power?

Zjistit více Hungary: what can Brussels do against Viktor Orbán?

Martin Michelot gives his opinion for, on how the European Union could counter Viktor Orbán's efforts.

Zjistit více Viktor Orbán won the parliamentary elections. What can we expect?

Vladimír Bartovic has commented for on the results of the Hungarian parliamentary elections, and gave his opinion on what to expect from Orbán in the future.

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